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    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeMar 24th 2014

    Well if it don't rain it pours!!
    I took Kevan to his stress test today. At the four minute point he was in so much stress and pressure in chest that they took him off the machine and lay him on the bed with the head up. They then called the cardiologist and he had me take Kevan to the cardiac unit at the university hospital in our city. The rush him into the bed and a resident came to see him.then they wouldn't let him get up to go to the bathroom and brought him a urinal. They told him he was to stay in the bed because they didn't want anything to go wrong.
    He kicked me out of the place. They called me to see how aggressive he might get and I told them and that he has no Insite and no sense of danger.

    I'm not sure if I was expected to stay with him not. I am wondering if they have the staff to keep an eye on him or should one of us be there.
    They expect to do an angioplasty tomorrow.

    Oh my, I hope they are able to take care of him.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMar 24th 2014
    and what if it shows something like a blockage? Will you treat it? You may have some bigger decisions coming up.

    Sorry for all this you are having to go through. Seems like you just decide on one direction and it changes on you.
    Keep us updated. (Are you his health care proxy?) Isn't it just always something!
    • CommentAuthorabby* 6/12
    • CommentTimeMar 25th 2014
    Hi, Jazzy,

    It seems like you are getting a lot of mixed messages from the staff where Kevan is located. If it is possibly dangerous to you to be alone with him, such as not taking him out or having him at your apartment why are they having you take him to another location to have a stress test? I can't imagine, well, yes, I can from my experiences, how much additional stress this must be for you.

    Can't they transport him? Are you comfortable driving with him- I guess I am assuming you are alone...I'm concerned for you!
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeMar 25th 2014
    I was not alone as our DD came. He never misbehaves when she or anyone else is around. Just me. He is still able,as they say, to make this decision, so it is his choice.
    He will be going back to the residence right after and I will be moving next Tuesday as planned. He told me to leave last night and wouldn't let me stay with him. I called later and they said he was sitting up reading a magazine.
    I am just about to call and try to find out when they are going to do the procedure.

    Thanks all


    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeMar 25th 2014
    Jazzy, I am just dropping in to let you know I am thinking of you and sending you hugs.
    Lots of hugs and prayers for you.
    Just for the record., most of the time, they can open the blockage and insert a stint when they find it during the test. Rarely do they come out and ask the wife if she wants the blockage removed.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeMar 25th 2014
    Kevan came through with no problems. They found that one of his areas was severe closing. They put in a stint and he is just fine. He goes back to LTC sometime Wednesday.

    He was well behaved and only caused one problem when they refused to give him his regular night Meds. They finally gave in.

    I stayed with him all day and they called me in to go over what had been done. The cardiologist was surprised at the severity of the close off and pain in such a short time. Only three months since pain started.

    They are going to have to watch him.

    He was going to come and do some fetch and carry with our daughter this week for my move but now son will take his place.

    Jazzy, I've been following your journey and you've had one heck of a time. This is just another bump...or boulder in the road. Please go ahead with your plans to move back home. You're going to be much happier and keep us informed. We care, we really do.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeMar 26th 2014
    I am so astounded.
    Kevan took off on me when we first got to the hospital but came back. He was so short and cranky with me that I just felt like leaving, but I stayed and when he found out what was wrong he was so nice to me and so sweet. Well that didn't last long. When I went to pick him up today they has taken him down to the lobby and left him there alone to wait for me. I had asked him to wait on the floor for me but no way he just did what he wanted. I had a hard time finding my way around the place and was upset because he had been left alone and then he told me that when they brought his lunch it wasn't what he ordered so he told her what for and sent it back. Now he is hungry, the mealtime at the LTC was over , the cafeteria was closed and I couldn't find a restaurant. He berated me for being stressed and when I left him in the LTC Caferteria, they had food for him, to go and take the prescriptions and records to the ward nurse, he was upset because he wanted to make sure I told her the right things and didn't talk bad about him.
    I went anyway and when I came back I asked him if I had told hi something that had happened to our daughter in law and he again told me it was me that needed to be there and that needed to be tested. I have the dementia not him.
    I just said " I'm out of here" and left. He was so cruel and nasty.
    When I got home he emailed me and asked if he could cone to our house, I told him no that he needs to rest after his procedure. He then emailed me and said he doesn't want to loos me. I have no idea why he would think that. I love him and will never leave him.
    This disease is so difficult to understand.


    Jazzy, Your road with these ups and downs are so difficult. I don't know how you manage to stay sane! I agree with those who suggest you go on with your moving plans.
    Be aware that these vascular procedures can fail..can get clogged up again..My husband had a 3 way bypass well before he had a DX of dementia. He did well only because I pressed the issues of follow up appts etc and he was a dear and cooperative. But in the end, the vascular issues were more complex than I had realized and he had a cardiac arrest.
    So it could possibly be in your future that you may have to consider what treatments are in his best interest too. When my DH had the symptoms, the cardiologist who took care of him was not his regular doctor. He was an excellent physician and it was his observation that my hubby needed a valve replacement and asap due to severe aortic stenosis. Well I knew that that was not going to happen and in the end when I read the notes it was either the surgery or hospice. That was the first I knew how bad the cardiac situation really was...he was stable and otherwise doing well. When you get settled and can think clearly, study up on what the doctors told you about Kevan's cardiac situation and ask questions, find out what the problems might be and the solutions so in the event you are faced with having to make a decision you will have an understanding and not be stunned with having to make the call right now before you even have a chance to understand what is going on.
    We are all concerned for you.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2014
    Thanks so much for advise and support.


    I am wondering if I should have pushed to have him tested or have just left it alone!! It's so hard to know what is best.
    My daughter and I have decided not to do that again and to just let the LTC look after his medical needs.

    This will likely happen again and as you say, it will be a difficult decision.
    He is not talking to me right now and has shut off his phone so I can't call him, but he put a post on Facebook that he is feeling much better and can walk again.

    We can say so many times that we will just let them go if anything like this happens, but when it is right there staring us in the face it's not easy and we will take care of them. We know it will prolong their life, and we know how bad we will be treated, but we do it anyway. We love them!!

    I took some things to my house yesterday and I met a friend that I haven 't seen since I moved. We had lunch and I felts so good. My daughter said she could hear it in my voice last night.

    I just didn't want to come back here. I wanted to stay there!

    It's so strange , but I was in the window looking out on my deck and a few little birds came over to the tree. I used to feed them all summer and I think they saw me and came to see if I would feed them. Last year we had the pleasure if watching a male Cardinal bring his baby to the feeder and feed it. It was lovely. I will be putting out my feeders as soon as I get back.

    I am going to place my furniture differently as well. Got that all worked out yesterday as well.

    I will be fine!!


    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2014
    Jazzy, so good to hear joy in your voice!
    I can't advise you on what cardiac issues to address or not. I hope, with better circulation, maybe his moods will improve though I suspect his moods are all related to the part of his brain that affects that area. You might ask the doctors how that blood flow thing works. You know, so much of what you may or may not do on his behalf for his overall health, depends upon his overall health. In my husband's case, his medical issues were such that even some forms of dental work could be risky. And when the cardiologist said he needed a valve replacement surgery NOW, as he was in critical need of that, I knew that was not going to be possible as his BUN and Creatine levels were not in range for anesthesia.
    I would suggest you and your daughter speak to the doctors who did the procedure and put in the stent and get as much information from him/her about prognosis. It might be useful to know about his overall vascular condition, i.e. legs, even husband had developed terrible fatigue in his legs playing golf that led to the ultrasound that led to the angiogram that led to the open heart 3 way bypass, eventually to the femoral bypass ( this was all before the DX of dementia..and all the surgery may well have kicked him over the edge earlier than it might have) knowing how all of this stood, I knew when the doc said valve replacement, that it would not happen.
    Get as much information as you can and knowing what could happen will help you when the time may come that you might have to make a choice about treatments.
    Hang in there and enjoy your new setting...You will find some peace and be refreshed to carry on your job when you are not so abused daily.
    • CommentTimeApr 2nd 2014
    Mimi*, it's always good to see you again. I'm very impressed with your organizational skills. I manage to start one file, go through it partway, pile the papers on the floor to be shredded, and then walk away. Three years now, but then the estate is still not settled - maybe when it is, I'll be able to make some progress. Sometimes, I feel like I'm stuck in tar.
    I do think it helps when the estate mess is finally settled, it is easier to start to put stuff away. If you saw my house right now....what a mess.
    I have gone through many cards we gave each other over the years for all the events and I found a birthday card my sweetie gave me 3 years ago with a crisp 100 dollar bill in it to " get something nice for your birthday" well that card is going in the special box I have in the safe for such things just as it is...
    I have put all the other cards in a see through box that clamps shut. I am going through the calendars he used. For him it was more of a diary. I have been finding tidbits he never shared with me about his medical conditions...Those will be in a box, another with his school year books...into the garage where I think I will be able to think about things more clearly and keep what is really dear to me ( like all of his scribbles or doodles) and things that were terribly meaningful to him. I want to study some of these things and see if I can determine what might have meant so much to him and perhaps it is something for the kids..if not...well it will just have to go. It does take forever to go through things. The one thing I have been looking for for at least 3+ years now is his Eagle Scout Sash. I recall him showing it to someone and since then??? It just has to be here. I want to put it in a shadow box frame..wanted to do that for him before for a present but couldn't find it...

    Yes there is nothing like being stuck in start's tar.. muddle muddle muddle..better than waddle waddle waddle.Lol