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    I woke up feeling bad and have Cried the day away, my ds is with DH. I told him I was going o a movie alne which I did, but unble to lose this despair that has attacked me. Any of you had a day that was this grim! Also I'm very dizzy, forgetful , headachey.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeFeb 22nd 2014
    (((Hugs))) grab the rope. Sounds like depression has got a grip on your today. Cry, let the stress and pain out.
    • CommentTimeFeb 22nd 2014
    Dee, if I had those symptoms, I would think I was coming down with something, like a virus. I'd get extra rest, vitamins, fluids and keep warm. Tylenol for the headache, don't try to do too much, early to bed if possible. I'll include you in with my prayers tonight, along with those for sweet Adam.
    I am sorry. You will be in my prayers for a better tomorrow. I do know that feeling. It is good to have a cry.
    • CommentAuthormarg75
    • CommentTimeFeb 22nd 2014
    Ky caregiver,
    I also care about how you are feeling, and hope that tomorrow will be better. It’s tough to be in your situation – but we have to try to keep on going, and lean on the strength of others who have been through it and are trying to help. Wishing you strength, as it seems you have the love to see you through.
    Well, I made it thru the day without jumping off a bridge! Thanks for the prayers and encouragement! I cried enough to make up for all these months I haven't. Still feel like crap though! God Bless ladies!
    • CommentAuthorSherizeee
    • CommentTimeFeb 23rd 2014
    You are not alone in your feelings... one day at a moment at a time. Hugs and prayers to you.
    Well today has started with the tears again. I'm never this emotional! I guess it's all caught up with me. I I did see a doctor yesterday, checked out everything, thought I mite be having a ini stroke, said I need to take a nerve pill and rest. I've already tried that , and tried again. He said I was just very depressed, ya think?
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeFeb 23rd 2014
    Remember Ky - you did not get this bad in one day, week or even a month. It will take a while for any medicine to help even you out. And maybe some therapy - someone to talk through things with. In the meantime, hug yourself, tell yourself you will get better but it will take time (maybe a different medication even). Be good to yourself, let yourself cry.
    Prayers for you. Take care of yourself, make yourself eat. I know that you need to work this out on your own, but your body still needs fuel. Do not forget to drink lots of water, you are losing alot with the tears. Do you have someone local who you can confide in? We are here for you. Spring will soon be here and I think that will help all of us breathe a little easier. Praying for peace.
    Tuesday, and I'm feling some better. I've beento a doctor, chiropractor, a counselor, a movie, and out to eat everyday. I had my new heat and air unit put in today. I've been out a lot with anything I can find to do. So blessed to have resources to hire caregivers. So blessed in so many ways, and I am trying to focus on these things,instead of my difficulties. Thank you for your encouragement, and God Bless!
    We've been snowed in since sat nite. Very little traffic, no school, churches closed. I thank God the electricity hasn't gone off. Weather sunny but below freezing, so no telling wen it will melt. We're doin pretty good. No tears! Just so thankful we are warm safe and happy this week.
    Thanks for your update, you are in my heart and mind daily. Take care of yourself. I am so sorry that you are having such horrid weather, but the sun and the elec are truly a blessing. Stay happy.