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    • CommentAuthorcatwoman60
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2014
    Another heart-breaking day with DH. This makes the third year of another VD only this yr it was just any old ordinary day because he was not aware of the day .
    Hello, Cat, I just saw your posting or would have answered before. My Valentine's day was ordinary, too--he hasn't known what day it is or time it is for years. But I had bought just a single red rose with some baby's breath and greenery, and also bought a small card that I wrote on it "To us" "From us"---silly, I know, but I felt like I wanted a Valentine's card, and there was nobody in the universe to send one to me…so I sent one to myself, so to speak. I just felt so lonely and deprived on "the day", plus the fact that I was cleaning up BM half the night on the 13th and 14th. So it wasn't great, but one thing I noticed yesterday and today is that that rose on the table is very pleasant to look at, and seems to lift my mood. Now that Valentine's is over (thank God), the flower on the table just seems pretty and cheerful. I'm thinking about you and sending all best wishes and a hug--and recommending you do some small, nice thing for yourself. Even something very trivial does seem to help.
    Valentine's Day was always special to us so I was dreading it this year, but that all changed. My great-granddaughter Evelyn Kristina was due on the anniversary of Lloyd's death so hitting that one year mark wasn't going to be as horrible. Well, she arrived on Valentine's Day so she kinda healed that for me too. My own little circle of life. Now I will be watching her to see what she does that reminds me of her Grandpa.
    • CommentAuthorcatwoman60
    • CommentTimeFeb 25th 2014
    Thanks Elizabeth for your hug and best wishes! I do appreciate the comments because I have felt alone in this for a long time. DH is in a long term facility and has been for 3
    yrs. , still thinks it hasn't been that long and asks me what day will he get to come home. Just breaks my heart every day. Today is one of those days where I'm not coping very well but you take it one day at a time (or try to).