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    • CommentAuthorAmber
    • CommentTimeFeb 12th 2014
    Having gone through some ups and downs with the staff at hubby's LTC, and reading about other members experiences, I thought I would see if there are any members here that would be interested in creating a written teaching tool of some kind for the staff at the care facilities our love ones are in and for other members that are coming up and will soon place this transition. I just think with the wealth of knowledge that we have amass here that we could put together some thing pretty powerful. Full of the things we think are important that the staff need to know...especially new staff coming to work in this field. Then have it as a free down load so anyone can use it to help them going through this life changing journey.

    I was thinking of calling it something like: Some words from the Spouse of Someone with Dementia.

    Then tell them how we could be feeling and what we are experiencing, what we have gone through before our spouse came there, plus what we would like from them, why we react the way we do, the advocate we must be, being kept up to date, timely meetings etc.....

    Use examples of experience different members have gone through...our stories.

    Anyways any interest?
    I brought our wedding album in for the staff to see. It helped them realize that behind those blank eyes was a once vital and loving person who mattered.
    • CommentAuthoryhouniey
    • CommentTimeFeb 13th 2014
    Amber, when my DH entered the NH,the staff members whom would be caring for him the most, met with me to tell them all about him and how I handled things at home to care for him.Also as time went on the nurse would call and ask for advice how I wanted things handled.Often, an aide from an agency will also talk with me about his care and habits.AS each of his aides and caregivers go off duty they pass on to the new one how that day is going with him and how they handled it. Because each day he may have a different reaction to things than the day before.I think you are right on to try to pass on our knowledge to other spouses I find that some are too timid , but maybe something written will empower themto speak up and demand quality care. Good idea.