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    I have been in quite a quandary the past few weeks! To the point of looking into ALF and Nsg homes. I am tired, and drained, physically and mentally. Along with all my problems with my DH, I have a 14yo grandson that I am very close to, having a total hip replacement in St. Louis on Wednesday. I've been kinda down because I couldn't go. My Dh tires so easily and would make it miserable foe me.if I took him there. Anyway a dear friend of mine offered to go with me and help with him. I decided against that too, but started looking for someone who would come in and be able to get him to bed and in shower, because of incontinence. The ladies I ave for respite have Not been doing that. I found a lady that is a cna and has delt withalzheimers pts. I tried her out this morn and she did wonderful.and my DH was very happy wen I got home. I can see a little light at the end of the tunnel! I do ask each of you to pray for my grandson, he is such a sweetie!
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeFeb 10th 2014
    Prayers going up. So young to have a major operation like that.
    • CommentTimeFeb 10th 2014
    Ky caregiver, what is your grandson's first name? I will include him in my prayers. It will mean more to me if I have a name, although sweetie is a good one.
    Adam, thank you so much! I plan on using this lady a lot. I need to get away from it more, I ll do better when I get back
    • CommentTimeFeb 10th 2014
    Thanks for Adam's name. I will pray for him faithfully, starting right now.
    • CommentAuthorElaine K
    • CommentTimeFeb 10th 2014
    Ky caregiver, I'll definitely pray for your grandson -- and I'll call him "Sweet Adam"! I know the Lord knows him quite well. Good luck with the respite and Sweet Adam's surgery.
    Praying for a great trip and an easy surgery. Adam is so fortunate to have such a loving granny!!! Enjoy the break.
    Sweet Adam is home and doing well! He came home on third day. He has to wear a cumbersome brace but is dealing with it in his normal way, with a smile! I left my DH overnite and all was well wen I got home I don't think he knew for sureI was gone overnite., but it was first time for him to sleep alone. The sitter put a pillow up beside him and of course gave him a Med to make him sleepy. All went much better than I had anticipated. A sweet friend went with me to St. Louis , it's 3 and a half hrs from my home. Thank you all for your device and prayers! I have been very tired from lack of sleep, but am so glad I got to go. The first thing Adam said wen he got out of surgery was, I want papa. Papa is my alz spouse. Papa is of course slowly growing more distant. They have always been so close!
    • CommentTimeFeb 16th 2014
    Thanks for letting us know about sweet Adam. I will continue to hold him in my prayers.
    So glad that Papa took your absence in his stride.
    Now you have to take care of you and get some more sleep.
    • CommentAuthormarg75
    • CommentTimeFeb 17th 2014
    Ky caregiver,
    So happy to hear that all went well. Grandchildren are special; wonderful to see you have that special connection.
    Hope things continue to go well.