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    I have two friends whose husbands are currently undergoing cancer treatment. Because of feeling lousy/compromised immune systems, etc., their social lives are pretty much limited to friends coming over for dinner (carrying in food) and either playing cards or watching a movie after.

    This has jogged my memory and made me ask the question--did Steve and I do something similar when he was in the middle stages of AD? Honestly, I can't remember doing anything similar. In the early stage, and parts of the middle stage, I remember going out to dinner, to movies, to theater, etc. just the two of us. I really don't ever remember anyone suggesting they come for dinner and we watch a movie. I'm going to check with close friends--the caregiving years are such a blur--maybe I forgot and this did happen. If, not--I should have suggested it.

    I'm posting this now because anyone still in those stages could use this suggestion to continue having some sort of social contact. It's not as much fun as going out, but it sure would beat years of social isolation.
    Marilyn you make a good point. If the CG is being isolated (as most of us are) inviting former friends to your home and even asking for help picking up take out meals is a great idea. The spouse will feel more comfortable at home and the guests won't feel embarrassed by public strange behavior.
    It is a great idea - if you have 'friends' who get it nearby. Fortunately for us, my handy-man and neighbors were like this. They, and you here, were my lifeline.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeFeb 10th 2014
    while this may be a good idea for some who have some really good friends who are tolerant and willing to go this route I agree. what I found is that if DH was that far gone to not be able to get out in a social atmosphere, he was disruptive even at home too and his actions didn't make for good company at times. to the point the guests became stressed out and we were unable to even make light chat available. they just didn't feel comfortable around him. I had more success with family around in this scenario. take out -movies- and not a sense of having to 'entertain'. I still do this today but mostly with family.