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    What in your opinion is the best undergarment for men's in continence? I've tried several already, but thought I'd just asks.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeFeb 8th 2014
    Everyone has a favorite that works for their spouse. I've tried Tena and Tranquility both of which many spouses (spice) here have had very good results with but not us. In addition I've tried regular Depends, Walmart brand (Assurance), the local grocery store brand and some others. Right now what works the best for my husband who is doubly incontinent now (w/I the last 3 months) is the Depends Real Fit for men briefs. They are very absorbent and if he urinates in them at night they seem to control the urine better without leaks. So far they seem to contain the bowel movements but we are very diligent in monitoring both urine/fecal incontinence.

    Good luck finding one that works for your husband.
    Thanks lfl
    • CommentTimeFeb 8th 2014
    My husband strongly prefers the Depends Real Fit. A pad added inside the brief can be changed much more easily if minor leakage is an issue too.
    • CommentTimeFeb 10th 2014
    My husband is urinary incontinent and Tena For men work for him during the day. At night his wears abena abri-forms. Even then he still sometimes leaks at night. He sleeps on a washable pad.
    Thanks for input. My problem now s he won't change them. I usually just rip them off. Lol
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeFeb 20th 2014
    KY, we rip them off too. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! At least DH wears them now instead of ripping them off himself.