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    • CommentAuthorJayne
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2014 edited
    DH has been diagnosed since 2006. Over the past couple years, he stopped talking. NOW, out of the clear blue sky, he has started talking again. Not sentences or comlete thoughts...just words, but loud and clear. He has also started making all kind of facial expressions with his eyes (his eyes were always closed before) and with his mouth. It's really wierd. He has also started eating much more and grabbing things if left within his reach. He is wheelchair bound. His Hospice nurse does not know what would cause this sudden burst of brain activity. Has anyone else ever experienced this?
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2014
    I experienced this when I took my husband off Aricept (except he didn't regain his appetite), and he remained brighter until he died of "failure to thrive".
    • CommentAuthoryhouniey
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2014
    Several months ago Sonny started talking,waving and winking at the NH staff. He does make some whole sentences,and they are usually appropriate .It seems when we got a new wheelchair for him he improved in many ways.He has a really bad neck and this chair holds his head upright,it is the only thing I could attribute the change to.The chair was 4500.but worth it if helped this much.Before he seemed out of it all the time.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeFeb 4th 2014
    My DH has more lucid days after treatment with antibiotics. he suffers cronic UTI's every few months and when we treat hes always much brighter and lucid for several weeks after. don't know how or why but its nice to witness and mine is late into end stage. he can reply appropriately during those times yes or no and acknowledges when spoken to. same thing sometimes during full moons. its all very odd. we know so little about the disease and how any infection or changes result in losses or gains. enjoy the newfound benefits. I always explain it as a 'reboot' of the brain for some reason. after a while it will wane again til the next round.
    My DW hadn't spoken anything anyone could comprehend for more than a year, yet last Sept when we received the report of the progress of her Cancer - our Md said the report was as bad as it could be and all he could recommend was Hospice. DW responded clear as a bell. " Don't look so sad Dr---- we only go round once and who had had it better than Marty & me. ( she had declined chemo selecting the quicker end after seeing her Mother die of Alzheimer's )
    My husband hasn't said too much recognizable in quite some time. Tonight returning him to the ALF after a visit home he said ,"I love you." Three people heard it and we all went "did you hear that?" It was great and brought tears to my eyes. The CNA on duty said it was my Valentines gift.
    • CommentAuthorElaineH
    • CommentTimeFeb 6th 2014
    Oh jules, so happy that he said that & other people heard it too! I can so relate. My DH doesn't say much that makes sense any more either, but every once in a while he does come out with an, "I love You" or"You're beautiful!" & when he says it I KNOW that he recognizes me & knows who I am. That was truly a wonderful Valentines gift to you! ((HUGS))
    ElaineH, I know, right? Too cool when that happens. I was especially happy others heard it to confirm for me I'm not just wishful thinking he said something I wanted to hear. Hugs back at cha.