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    • CommentAuthorAnn
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2014
    My DH passed this past September but here's what I'm thankful for........
    1. Glad my daughter was home when he had his stroke.She has always been so helpful
    2. Was glad I didn't have to place him in N.H.
    3. Thankful he never hurt me, he did threaten.
    4. Did not have to go to end stages.
    5. He went first, meaning our kids did not have to take my place.
    6.And some I haven't even thought of.
    Through it all I loved him.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2014
    Ann, so sorry for the loss of your husband this past September. Even in tragedy there are some things to be grateful for. I wish you peace.
    Ann, I am so sorry for your loss. So glad you have so much to be thankful for.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2014
    Ann - many of us here pray our spouse will die from something else instead of going the course. I am happy you are able to look back at the positives. Great start to healing
    Yes, I think you are one blessed woman! Each of those things are very important. I pray I never have to face any of them myself. But my DH seems to be going down very fast lately! So I'm not sure ill be able to hold out on no. 2
    Ann, sorry for your loss but glad for the blessings in the process.

    I recently told a friend whose husband had died in his sleep of a heart attack that although she can't see it right now, it was a blessing. She understood what I meant. We all share the sadness and grief of seeing our spouses go downhill and in doing so lose their dignity and personality. My DH was a financial analyst - a very smart man - and I just know that he would never want to be like he is now. So if he were to die from something else I think it would be a blessing for our family - and he would be in heaven even sooner.