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    Is daycare for an Alzheimer's patient a deductible medical expense on our taxes?
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeFeb 1st 2014
    Do a search and I think may find some answers since we discuss the tax issues every year. I would answer but can't remember.

    And ask the person doing your taxes if they know. don't call the IRS cause they don't know. You can ask 10 people there and get 10 different answers
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeFeb 1st 2014

    When I searched I entered "tax deductible expenses" and then searched in comments (within the thread not the title of the thread).

    If you were in Canada I could help you but I brought a topic to the top that mentions this.
    • CommentAuthorAmber
    • CommentTimeFeb 1st 2014
    Yes wolf, I have to talk to you time is here. I would like to know about respite and LTC cost.

    Any experience dealing with veterans affairs? Typical federal government....cutting veterans care benefits for PTSD, they should be covering the cost of LTC but because of the changes/claw backs they will only cover a little bit of the cost of his care. Closing offices all over the country and will have one case worker to cover what many case worker are covering now. Another hurdle to jump. sigh....

    Did you hear how our minister of veterans affairs treated the veterans that came to see him in Ottawa a couple of days ago? Disrespectful. If I had a child that was thinking of joining up I would tell them to run the other way.
    • CommentAuthorCarolyn
    • CommentTimeFeb 2nd 2014
    I've done taxes for 37 years, so let me see if I can help.
    If you work outside the home and you have to have daycare for you to go to work, it's a deductible expense.
    If you're thinking of it as a medical expense, it's not deductible. The only way it's a medical deductible is if they tend to medical needs.
    Same is true for LTC.
    Hope this helps.
    • CommentAuthorCarolyn
    • CommentTimeFeb 2nd 2014
    Amber, I'm sorry to say Respite care is not a tax deductible item either unless DH is placed in a medical facility and you can get some rest while he's there. Even so, the dr. has to have a medical reason for placing him, but drs. can most always find a medical reason.
    Thank you, Carolyn, I think you have answered my question. :-( Not too happy about that, though. Alzheimer's is such an expensive disease and I was hoping part of his care was deductibIe. I do have my taxes done by a professional but have to know what kind of information to take in.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeFeb 2nd 2014
    Hi Amber,

    I remember. My email address is up. When you write be sure to mention that you are Amber from here and you have tax things to discuss.

    The best way as I said is on the phone when we go through it because writing back and forth about multiple issues gets complicated quickly. Up to you though.

    Just email me when you're ready to go through it.

    Some things depend on income levels and split abilities. That would determine whether you should claim the 10,000 and the disability or instead claim all the LTC costs. It's government regulations that your LTC facility send you a statement by April 30 stating the amount that is claimable. That number might be buried on page 3 so keep anything that comes in now from the LTC.

    I'm not familiar with veteren's affairs regulations or policies. I do agree it's shameful how we treat our vets where real help is needed. Parades and flags don't cover the responsibilites.

    Let's see if there's something that we can find that helps you.
    • CommentAuthorAmber
    • CommentTimeFeb 2nd 2014
    Thanks wolf!

    When I get all the paper work we'll get in touch....I have unlimited long distance in North America plan so if you like I will call you. I have your phone number....just have to remember that you are 3 hours ahead of me.....I bet you wouldn't be impressed to get a call at midnight...9 pm my time. :) wish we had smiley faces.