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    Joan sorry to start this thread, but I had to reregister to get would not accept my username or password.
    Can you reinstate me by my old username please...or can I just stay as is now.
    Please delete this if necessary
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJan 28th 2014
    Julia, this is how you had your name before: Julia* 1-3-2014

    Try that and it should work.
    I have had to re-register several times lately. I'm blaming my computer.
    Charlotte, I changed it , but it doesn't bring up the old profile and posts , It tells me my user name is already taken.
    I don't know what to do, I don't know how to delete this new username and bring up the old one again.....perhaps Joan may be able to fixit for me.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeJan 30th 2014
    Julia, I gather we're talking about the space after the * and that when you tried to use that it wouldn't let you on. When you say you changed it I think you mean your password. You would only change the identity if the password wasn't working.

    Is that what you're facing? That you changed the password on the original Julia and now that's not working?

    I do have your original password in an email from when we did the picture. I haven't looked for it but I could if that's helpful.
    Yes Wolf, when it wouldn't let me in and I tried to re- register I must have put in the date wrong. Here we use the day before the month, then the year....First it was the date thing. When that didn't work I changed the password and now it's the password or both.....argh!

    I don't know if that old password would work, it might be worth a try Wolf.
    every time I try to use my username again it says it's already taken.....of course by me!
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJan 31st 2014 edited

    From what I can see by what Charlotte wrote, your original name had a space between the star and the #1 in the date. As of now, with all of attempts to change it, you are better off to keep what you are using that works.

    I can look into it more next week when I return home.

    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeJan 31st 2014
    I found that password and tried your original changed name with the space after the star. It tells me I have the wrong sign on/password combination.

    In order to receive a message that a user name is already taken you would have to be registering to join instead of using the sign on feature. That page just checks that you have a valid name/password. Also Joan's system logs you off after a certain amount of time which is somewhere well under an hour.

    I suspected at first that you changed your password and have something slightly wrong with it. But then you would get the match not found message.

    The only thing I can think of is that you're using the initial register page and that's where it won't let you put in a new ID that's already been taken.

    Try this. Sign on with your new password like you are. Now go up to the top right of this page where the sign in/sign out function is. Click 'sign out'. Now click 'sign in' and you must see both valid id's.

    Sign in with Julia* 1-3-2014 and not Julia*1-3-2014. The space behind the star must be there. Now enter your password you had been using just before this went wrong and sign in.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJan 31st 2014
    maybe she can send you the new password she tried and you can see if you can get in Wolf
    Wolf, I tried what you said to do....I tried to log on so many ways, and kept getting rejected.
    So I reregistered again, I think, not sure...using the old password that you have Wolf.
    Lets see if my old profile comes up again.
    Thanks everyone.
    I'll just have to leave it like this whatever it is now....I'm sure you all know I'm not new here.
    Thanks so much.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeJan 31st 2014
    Sorry about that Julia. I put my email up like Charlotte suggested. Not sure what to do though.
    Thanks Wolf, that's fine.
    I'll just keep this one works, that's the main thing.

    Thanks for taking the time to try for me.
    Here is what I had done. I double spaced between the * and the date of my husband's death. That made a difference, believe it or not. Once I tried that, everything opened up ... Now to just remember to double space the next time. I'm signed out.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeFeb 3rd 2014
    my info is saved -I never have to re-enter it. I just have to click on sign in
    Mine is supposed to be saved. I click the box .. and for several days, it's fine, ...then the next time, I have to sign in again. No worries. It's not a bother.