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    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeJan 27th 2014
    I am noticing that DH is having more difficulty with his memory. Yesterday he went with DS to a hickey game and I was told he had a great time but did have difficulty walking. His breathing is difficult. Maybe anxiety or heart. They're not sure yet.
    When he called me last evening he had so much difficulty telling me about his day. He tried so hard to keep everything in sequence but kept losing track and would get angry with himself and very frustrated. This is the worse I have seen it. He also had quite a bit if trouble finding the words he wanted to use to tell his story. He doesn't want any help finding words unless he asks for help so it is difficult to just sit and watch him struggle.k
    One good thing was that he had a very good time. Our Grandson was one of the linesmen for the game so Grampa was pretty proud.


    My DH has had his memory loss progress more rapidly since the end of summer. He was at DD home for the evening.
    When he returned, I asked him if he ate dinner. He looked confused and the said no. I knew he had soup there.
    He just started "volunteering" at a Day Program. He loves it but could not remember what or if he ate there.

    This morning I went upstairs to wake him and he was standing there looking confused and said "I'm foggy"
    He thought it was nighttime. Said as best as I could understand that the last thing he remembered was dinner.
    We had family over and I cooked a big meal making sure he helped me. Upsetting morning for me. He forgot about it and then just laughed.

    Language ...trying to understand him now is like playing charades. He gets annoyed that I don't understand him.
    Sometimes, I just nod and pretend to agree.
    • CommentAuthorSherizeee
    • CommentTimeJan 27th 2014
    Mine is declining quickly latley as well, I often think they decline more in the winter. i wonder if there are studies on that?
    Towards the end with DH often times I had no idea what he was talking about. The Hospice social worker called it word salad. And that describes it perfectly.

    Sherizeee, Could it be the shorter days and lack of sunshine???
    My DH has been declining in every way for several months now. I'm not sure about them but I know affects me. I
    • CommentAuthorSherizeee
    • CommentTimeJan 27th 2014
    Maybe that is true Blue- DH is going to bed almost as soon as we get home now and right after dinner by 6:00 pm. And when I think about it that started about the time of the time change and it getting dark earlier. The long winter is getting to me too.
    My DH also goes to bed around 6:30. He starts asking to "go home" right after dinner. Seems that "home" is the bedroom where he can go to bed. Yes, it started last fall when the days started getting shorter. I think everyone is looking forward to Spring. It has been so cold here, in the single digets. It's hard to believe in global warming right now.