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    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeApr 8th 2014
    Good to hear from you Nikki.
    We are finished! And back at the hotel. I am heading back on the long journey home tomorrow and will update you all. But I have to say, wow what an experience!!!! and our Hawaii politicians were wonderful, I do believe they are signing the proposal for two hundred million dollars for additional research.

    I felt like I made a difference and really counted. so aloha for now thanks for all the greetings!
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeApr 9th 2014
    Oh Coco, thanks for your commitment and hard work on behalf of all of us. I am sure you represented us well!!!

    I am anxious to hear about your experiences and observations. Hopefully you have good news to share about Congresses commitment to funding research and helping caregivers. We are so very proud of you.

    Have a safe trip back and update us when you can.

    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeApr 9th 2014

    I can't wait to hear all the details and your impressions. Have a safe trip and fill us in after you recover from the jet lag.

    Thank you, Coco. Have a safe trip home - and give that hubby a hug from all of us!
    Thank you Coco for your dedication and strength. We need people like you to represent us . Safe trip home.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeApr 11th 2014
    thanks coco for a job well done! I am sure you are anxious to get home to your Dado. hugs and a safe trip back
    Coco, Thank you so much for doing this for all of us. Sending you (((Hugs))).
    Whew, I am back! 18 hours traveling....3 hours DC to Dallas/Fort Worth, 4 hours layover, 8 and a half!! hours flight to Honolulu, two hours layover, then the final one hour flight to my island. I picked up the sniffles and am laying low so it does not turn in to a full blown cold. Saw my sweetie pie the first day back, then drove the 2 hours home.
    I just cannot tell what he is thinking but hope he was glad to see me, the few times he opens his eyes. When he did open them, one time, I quickly showed him the big photos we got taken with our Senator Mazie Hirono, and Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. He really seemed to like them and looked and looked. Then before he shut his eyes again, I showed him the button I wore with a photo of him, and me, and he just looked and looked. Then shut his eyes. I pinned it on him before I left. I have been home two days, and if I am feeling better tomorrow am going to visit him.

    So truly glad I went, and I know that I made a difference. The other representatives from Hawaii were employees of the Alzheimers Assn., and had no personal experience with the disease. So with them, and my sister taking pictures and notes, we were a good team.

    DC was a wonderful place to walk and walk and eat, and laugh with my sister Melanie.

    More later, Love you guys, Patty
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeApr 13th 2014

    Happy to hear that you are home safe and sound. I will contact you during the week about the blog.


    As Marilyn did for us last year, I have invited Coco to write a guest blog about her DC advocacy experience.

    Hey, Joan, that wasn't last year, it was 2011! Amazing how fast time goes. So glad Coco had a good experience--I heard that the event's speakers were really impressive.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeApr 14th 2014

    Sorry for the error - Yes, time does seem to fly by.
