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    • CommentAuthordebiflock
    • CommentTimeJan 6th 2014
    Amy ideas would be so useful. My DH is urinating everywhere except in the toilet starting 4:00 pm to 7:00 am
    I have lights on, red reflecting tape on toilet, blue dry in water, signs. I even bought a spotlight to shine in the water. He just peed on the bedroom carpet. I have tried external catheters. They get pulled off and then there is the mess. I have put at alarm on him so if he gets up to go I wake to help but gives little to no sleep. We have one bed that he sleeps in and I take the couch. He is on 3 prostate meds. I withhold fluids late in the day. Does anyone have any idea what to do next. I am willing to admit him if that is my only recourse because I cannot deal with this. Help!
    Sorry so hard to deal with. Can you use Depends on him?
    • CommentAuthorAliM
    • CommentTimeJan 7th 2014
    debiflock, Sorry you have entered this alz phase with your DH. It appears that you have made every effort possible to help him locate the toilet. Sometimes nothing helps until they are put in depends and that too can be a battle during adjustment period. Some caregivers accept this as the norm with their spouses and deal with it. I am with you and could not deal with it and considered it total added stress to constantly step in urine and scrub rugs and carpets. Sleeping on the couch and constantly be awakened by the alarm probably means you are exhausted. If you are considering placement you might want to think about starting the process since that is also stressful and can take time. I understand your frustration so a (((hug))) to you and good luck in dealing with the ALZ monster.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJan 7th 2014
    debiflock, it does appear you must get him into incontinence products asap. this will surely wear on you having to deal with following cleanup at every turn. they will continue to pee anywhere they please. the only remedy is to possible get him into one of the one piece suits we mention on incontinence threads that zip up the back. you use depends and pads and this suit over it and it zips up back and they cant get into the suit to pee. they will learn to use the pads and depends. once this happens you may just can use regular pants and the depends and pads to help avoid messes. if you cant deal then yes, earlier placement may be the way to proceed. many have lines in the sand they cant cross. incontinence is one of them.
    good luck.
    I brought up the incontinence thread for you it has helpful suggestions.
    • CommentAuthordebiflock
    • CommentTimeJan 8th 2014
    Thank you guys. I didn't know how to get back to my comment to find the responses I actually do have him in depends and 2 extra pads inside. I guessing can try overalls or find the suit that zips up the back. Maybe I am lazy but boy does that not seem like a like of extra work. No not lazy just pooped !!!!
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJan 8th 2014
    or you may try him in reg pants and put a belt on him and aturn the buckle to the back so he cant reach it. if you have him in depends he shouldn't be able to get to 'it' very easily. but don't be surprised.! :) well catch 22, more work to keep pee from ruining house, or more extra work to prevent. either way yes more work!
    • CommentAuthormariposa
    • CommentTimeJan 11th 2014
    debiflock - to get back to your discussion, under start a new discussion on left it says "bookmark discussion" - I think then your thread will show up on the main page to check back.