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    For the past few days my DH has been so much worse. He has really been argumentative about Everything! He is generally easygoing for most part. It seems as if he is on a high of some sort. He will say, I haven't eaten all day? I say well you had o and so just a little while ago. He will deny it. I just find him csomething else. He has been urinating all over the bathroom floors, all around pot, this is new for him. I know not for a lot of you. He went to DC today and pushed a lady when he couldn't get out. He wanted to leave. Tonite, I missed him and he was outside peaing in garage. We have three bathrooms inside nd it is 20 degrees. This is very unusual. I am really worried. He had his usual dose of resperidone. It has really been rough the past month. We were stuck in house for several days because of icy rds and snow, then the holidays, and holidays, now expecting a large snowfall again this weekend! I'm redy to scream!
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJan 3rd 2014
    I know someone will ask it so I will now - does he have a UTI?
    Or maybe he is in pain but can't tell you. Or could be the weather changing.
    Could be he is moving into another phase.

    Am sorry about this. (((hugs)))
    • CommentAuthorAliM
    • CommentTimeJan 3rd 2014
    Ky caregiver I am sorry this phase has been added to your worries. Hopefully it will be a temporary thing. While on vacation several years before placement of DH I caught him urinating over the hotel balcony. This really upset me as I did not want young children to witness this. He went another year of trying to go outside, using the toilet or urinating in bathroom floor before he pullups were used. I tried to console myself by thinking that his mind was regressing back to his boyhood days when urinating outside was the norm. Back then it was in the woods and not over a hotel balcony! Being aggressive in public is also stressful for us caregivers because the majority of the public know nothing about ALZ. I hope you can enjoy a hot cup of coffee or hot chocolate. The extremely cold weather is enough to give anybody cabin fever so come on back here and scream when you feel like. We do understand and we care. (((Hugs)))
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJan 4th 2014
    Ky- I agree our first line of defense would be a checkup to see if there is something physical going on to create changes. we know for a fact when they get ill even small temps or pain they can make them to act out in strange new ways. the peeing in various areas could well be a sign hes having bladder issues, ie like Charlotte says the famous urinary tract infection. this occurs more often than not as with our AD spouses they don't drink or hydrate enough and the body is compromised in the metabolical sense. with all this cold weather of late, sore throats, sinus issues, and or early flu symptoms could be affecting them. they forget how to express these physicalities and so doing strange things seems the norm to get our attention.
    after a checkup maybe a med tweak would help him- they tend to grow into the doses easily and need tweaks on occasion.
    good luck
    Ky. if you can get out to your pharmacy there is a product "urinary test strip". They won't cure anything, but a few drop of unine on the strip will give you a pretty accurate indication if an infection is present and a trip to an MD is necessary
    Thanks, Marty! We are stuck inside with ice and o degrees.warming up Tuesday.