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    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2013
    Hi all
    Everyone has been telling me to try and build a new life just for me. Something that will get me out and into an activity that will help me meet like minded people, well I have made some big decisions this last little while and have found something that I can do that will help, I hope!!
    2011.12 and 13 have been very disruptive years for me, dragging me to my lowest point ever. In 2011 I was told my beloved had Dementia, in 2012 he was diagnosed with not one but three Dementia's and I lost one of my little dogs to cancer in November. In 2013 DH was so difficult and I lived in fear all the time, my DH moved to LTC, my very special little dog, my boy, died of lymphoma and I had to move to an apartment near DH's LTC. So many changes and losses.
    It's now the end of 2013 and I have made a decision that has lifted my spirits and has opened a door for me to move to something new for me.
    One of our members decided to buy a puppy and I hope it worked out for her, she seemed so happy. Many of you talk about your loving cats and dogs and I missed my boy so much.
    Yesterday I bought a Yorkie. Right now he is four lbs but may go to seven. My son is picking him up on the 2nd and he and I will be starting school and a new life and future. First it is puppy training so he will be a good boy, then in about a year he and I hope to go to school and be trained as a Pet Therapy team. His breeder has used one of her dogs for Pet therapy and says he has the right temperament for this job. So I am starting 2014 with a new roommate and hopefully a new future in Pet therapy. This next year we will be visiting the LTC that DH is in and he will have the opportunity to test his possibilities. It should be an interesting time.

    I wish all of you peace in 2014.

    Hugs galore

    Jazzy-I commend you for taking control of your life in such a positive manner. Happy New Year!
    Oh Jazzy, You will love pet therapy. My dearest friend does pet therapy. It is an awesome gift for those who are sick and shut in. Either nursing homes or hospitals. So glad you found an outlet that will make you happy. And your puppy is so tiny! What will his name be?

    I wish you all the best in the new year!!!!
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2013
    Thanks for your support.
    His name is Willie.
    His sister is Kate and this brother is Harry.
    This breeder has a sense of humour.


    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2013
    Jazzy, I am so happy for you - having plans for the future is half the battle of surviving!
    I hope it all works out for you, and your wee Willie!
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2013
    Jazzy, great news! I have been hospitalized a few times for major surgery (joint replacements) and having an animal visit while hospitalized was something I looked so forward to! It's a special calling and I am certain that you and your new "boy" will be very good at it. After 3 horrible years, I am glad that you have something so special to look forward to in 2014.

    Happy New Year to you and Willie. Keep us posted on your progress.
    • CommentAuthorBama*2/12
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2013
    Great Jazzy. It's a good start to taking control of your life and your happiness.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2013
    Jazzy, what a great idea to try the therapy dog. its a bright moment for those who have little contact with pets in facilities. I wish you all the best and how wonderful you have your new Willie. he will bring much joy.
    • CommentAuthorElaineH
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2013
    Oh Jazzy! How wonderful! I would love to have a therapy dog. Every once in a while I see one at the Veterans Home. And ColetteR (a new member here) brought her adorable little dog when she came to visit her husband.
    I'm so glad that this decision has "lifted your spirits." We all need a purpose & to feel like we are doing some good & I am glad that you have found yours!
    Hugs & Happy New Year!
    Wonderful decision Jazzy. Helping others will also help you. You will be blessed.
    What great news Jazzy. Thank you for sharing it with us. I could feel a new lightness in your post. Over Christmas I looked after two - 5 month old kittens and was reminded of the joy and peace animals can bring. I so applaud your goal of pet therapy.

    I know as an RN, and as others have commented here, pets bring much joy to those in care. Their owners seem to also gain much joy and peace.

    You have given me hope and inspiration today.
    • CommentAuthorabby* 6/12
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2013

    What wonderful news. I am so happy for you and Willie. While my kitties (and previous dogs) are rescue animals, I realize it is they who have often rescued me. I'm sure you and Willie will make a great team.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2013
    Sounds like a wonderful plan! I wish you (& your new "roomie") the best in your excellent adventure!!
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2013
    Actually, I was just thinking today (I do that sometimes!) - another new year almost here (1 1/2 hrs. now), & there is nothing to look forward to, just in limbo. Whoopee! Think I'll just go to bed :(
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2013
    Thanks all

    I have been busy "puppy proofing" my apartment. I'm told he is a real busy body. I guess I need to go out and buy an x-pen to help with training and to give me a break.
    DH says he is jealous of the puppy because he can't live with me and I traded him in for a puppy. I know when he meets the puppy he will fall totally in love and will want lots of visits. This may be good for both of us. I brought DH to the apartment for the night but this may be the last time as I had a difficult time with him today. Nothing major just " poor little boy" stuff.
    Now I have to take care of me and he is getting envious. Just can't win..

    Happy New Years everyone!!

    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2013
    jazzy - I saw an ad for the pee pads for pets that have a bullseye in the middle with the chemicals to get them to pet in that spot on it. When our dogs (gone to doggy heaven now) were puppies I made them go every where with me so they would not pee on the floor. Negative - they followed me every where, room to room, for the rest of their lives!
    Jazzy, that sounds wonderful! I'm sure you will be able to be a comfort to many people...and it is sure to be enjoyable for you as well. Keep us posted :)
    • CommentAuthorxox
    • CommentTimeJan 1st 2014
    Arm and Hammer puppy pads are supposed to have a sent to attract the dog to use it. Since I use it for a cat that won't use the litter box all of the time, I cannot say this brand works better than any other. I have learned to just go for the cheapest ones. I haven't heard of the ones with a target, I wish that would work with this cat.
    I've tried them all (well, Millie has); see no difference in any of them, so I just buy the cheapest ones I can find. I always put a vinyl pad under it though - sometimes she will miss part of it and it goes on the floor otherwise. They were my lifesaver - she has bladder problems and will get up in the middle of the night and go in the bathroom where her pad is and use it. They learn fast!
    Dh had chemo treatments for many years at Vanderbilt and there were sweet dogs that came many of the times we were there. It wasn't always the same one but always so friendly and everyone in the clinic seemed to enjoy the visit.
    So happy for you, Jazzy, that you've found something to look forward to.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeJan 3rd 2014
    I picked up my Willie yesterday and we had quite an evening and night of it. He was wired and just wanted to check out everything or have me hold him because he was scared of this new place. I have to watch him for another two weeks that he doesn't become hypoglasemic or dehydrated. Little dogs like him can just drop real fast and it will be a big problem and I could lose him. When they are below 16 weeks or upset it can become a problem. He is doing good and plays quite a bit so I have to make him rest more and he is good.
    He sure is tiring me out. He is all energy and I am not yet.
    I didn't sleep good last night as he was upset a bit so maybe tonight will be better.


    • CommentAuthorring
    • CommentTimeJan 4th 2014
    Congratulations Jazzy. Good for you. I hope it works out well. We got a dog just before Christmas - an 8 year old so she has a more compatible energy level. haha Keep us posted about your new pup.
    I just saw the heading "turning a corner in 2014" and another turning a different I wish someone had told me there were corners...all I ever did is go round and around in circles and never found a corner....
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJan 5th 2014
    we miss your imput so much Phranque. So happy when you stop in to share with us.
    I didn't find a corner either, Phranque*! Just circles and more circles. So good to hear from you. Hope you are well.
    • CommentAuthorcassie*
    • CommentTimeJan 5th 2014
    Vickie, do you remember being taught at school,(elocution lessons) "round and round the rugged rock, the ragged rascal ran?" That refrain often went through my head whilst caring for my dh especially when dealing with the medical profession.
    It is good to hear from you Phranque, glad to see that you haven't lost that wicked sense of humour.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeJan 5th 2014
    I don't remember going around in circles with my life changes just in the first few years of trying to get DH diagnosed and living with his dementia.
    When I spoke of corners I spoke of my changes in life choices not his care. I guess that is the difference, for me anyway. I'm trying to take on new challenges in my life as a single person now and I sure hope I don't start going around in circles in those things. Going around in circles now would have me continually reliving the same problems and never finding a solution. Now that I am on my own, the corner is great, as I don't keep reliving the bad things anymore, just a hopeful future ahead for me. I crochet and when making a round type of Granny Motif there is no variation, just around and around. When making a Granny square there is a definite turn in the Motif, a corner. Whole different outlook.

    Life is like a merry-go-round only it's not so merry right now and I'm feeling a little sick.
    Humor is the only thing that saved my life....someone told me that it is impossible to cry when you have a smile on your face....and laughing stops the crying dead in its tracks...
    but someone also said that "show me a guy who smiles all the time, and I'll show you an idiot" (quote from my father in law)
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeJan 8th 2014
    Phranque, you really are funny (as per your last sentence)!!
    Humor is so important, but I feel it must be genuine. I know many who laugh all the time, but it rings empty to my ears. It's a developed reaction,instead of a heartfelt, gut response.