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    Wishing all a Happier New Year
    sadly an oxymoron for so many of us.
    Thank you for mentioning Sue in Memorial
    • CommentTimeDec 30th 2013
    An excellent blog as always Joan.

    Profoundly saddened to see so many have lost their beloved spouse this year. It is always shocking for me to see the list of names.....
    In loving memory of all who have gone before us.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeDec 30th 2013
    Happy New Year everyone! Thanks Joan.
    Happy new year is so hard to say. I wish you all the best.
    May everyone have some sunshine in their life in 2014! Thank you Joan for mentioning my dh. It is always so sobering to view "the annual list". Hikergirl
    Joan, thanks for your always insightful blogs. I shall always remember the last night before dh took the sudden steep decline. We ate shrimp his very favorite dinner. I never cared for fried shrimp but on impulse that's where I took him. So his last meal was his favorite and he was capable of enjoying. He was gone exactly two weeks later. He never ate another meal after that night.

    To all still on the journey I will repeat from Hikergirl "may some sunshine be in your life" I like that thought.
    • CommentAuthorAliM
    • CommentTimeDec 30th 2013
    Great post Joan, Thanks. I try to climb the ladder toward a little happiness but the NH calls to tattle and knocks me back down to the bottom where all the lonliness is. Happy 2014 to all and thanks to the ones who wished for some sunshine in our lives. I will try to keep my eyes to the sky looking for it because I really would like to enjoy life again.
    • CommentAuthoracvann
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2013
    Wonderful column, as always, Joan ... but also very sad to see how many of us lost loved ones this past year. Best wishes to all, at whatever stage we're at, as we try to find happiness with our 'new normal' in 2014.
    • CommentAuthorBama*2/12
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2013
    I wish "Sunshine" in all of your lives. Several years ago I over heard a conversation that went like this. "Good morning Kate. How are you today and she said everything is wonderful. God has sent a lot of Sunshine into my life". This friend had a lot of heart ache in her life. She had a wonderful marriage and two young boys. Her husband called her from his office and told her he was leaving for home and that he loved her. A few minutes later he had a heart attack and died at his desk. Later one of her sons had an accident and was in a coma and was left with brain damage. She was depressed for a number of years and to hear her comments about God and Sunshine stayed with me. It's my favorite thing to wish my friends. So Happy New Year and remember to be open to new experiences and new beginnings in your lives.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2013
    very sobering to see in print all those of us who have lost our dear spouses this year. we all know sooner than later our own names will appear at some point as well.
    so true we must try to relish the things are spouses are still able to do and try to enjoy the time we have left with them. once they are gone before us, one of the things I hear most is how I wish I had a bit more time .. happy new year in the sense we have comfort and happiness that we have others here to share our grievances and times of need. hugs to you all.
    So grateful to read your post Joan and then follow up by everyone else. I agree with you bluedaze trying to say Happy New Year is hard.

    I feel so gifted to be part of this group and know we are all struggling together with tremendous support for each other. I will be alone this evening, and will pour a glass of wine and cheer all of us and our loved ones affected by this disease.

    May we gain more solid ground in our pursuit of "a new normal" in 2014.

    Love, hugs, and blessings.
    Sad to say , but I am Soo glad the holidays are over. It was very painful to go through all the motions of shopping, decorating , entertaining and attending celebrations with my DH. He has declined since last year. He was confused
    about the days, the gifts, couldn't even sign his own name on a card, often disinterested and/or agitated and frustrated. I was/ am exhausted physically from doing it all and depressed and disinterested myself.

    We had our usual New Year's party with our 4 other couples who are our closest friends. This morning I didn't even want to get up and go through the day. Of course, my friends planned a nice night. But I felt all alone. My DH was silent much of the time while others led the conversations about all the things they are doing or planning from
    Golf, canasta, dancing, vacations , moving to new communities. What could I add as I prepare for this year.??
    I only know things will get WORSE with my DH.

    I do have things to be grateful for but not tonite. I just want to vent and go to bed and cry in the quiet of the night.

    Did anyone else feel this way over the holidays? Know someone here will understand.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJan 1st 2014
    yep except we were not around anyone, just by ourselves. I am so so so glad it is over. I am tired of hearing 'have a happy new year' or the Happy new year' postings all over FB.
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeJan 1st 2014
    Yes, Lorrie, I felt the same way - more often close to tears than cheer. Glad the holidays are over. Looking forward to next week, when "normal" starts again
    Yes Lorrie, I think a lot of us feel the same way. Though both our daughters and our son were here for Christmas I was in tears half of the day. It made me so sad to think of him off in the bedroom alone and not even understand that it was Christmas. I did eat my meal with him off a tray as I do every lunch and dinner. Then I resented not being able to eat in the dining room with the others. I can't win either way. Selfish, I know.

    Thank God New Years was a non-event. DH knew nothing about it and DD had to go to work at 4 am as usual So I was in bed by 9:30. The others were in by 7:30.

    Now I will be happy when the few decorations that I put up are put away. As bqd said "looking forward to next week, when "normal" starts again".
    Thanks bqd, Charlotte and MaryinPA for your responses.

    I needed to talk to someone who would understand . Actually, I ran to post when I got home!

    MaryinPa and all of us... We are NOT SELFISH. Our hearts are breaking for our spouses! Feelings just are, we don't need to justify them.

    Sorry for all those who have lost their spouse this year!

    Also, reminds me that I am "losing" my DH more and more each day.

    Yes, hard to say Happy New Year!
    I will try to work on gratitude and take it one step at a time .

    Thank you Joan for your gift of this website. Thank you to all who support each other. That's what I am grateful for.