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    • CommentAuthortrish*12/14
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2013 edited
    My husband passed peacefully this morning. Thankfully I never had to make the tough decision about stopping hydration & nourishment due to his swallowing difficulties.

    Our empty house is now full of our children & spouses who will be staying with me this week. Even though I've been dealing with the decline for years I'm in shock & feeling numb.
    I am so sorry Trish. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2013
    Dear Trish, you've been a care giver for a long time, and you will feel in shock and numb now that he he is gone. I think it's nature's way of helping you to cope. I'm glad your family are with you. It is such a comfort. You are all in my prayers. Hugs.
    I am sorry for your loss. I am glad that you have your family with you. You and your family are I my prayers.
    Trish-all my thoughts are with you. It has been a very long journey.
    • CommentAuthorBama*2/12
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2013
    Praying for strength and peace for you and your family.
    I'm so sorry for your loss Trish.
    My thoughts are with you at this sad time.
    So many of us have lost our dear ones so recently. I know that numb feeling, Trish. My thoughts are with you and our family during this difficult time.
    I am so very sorry for your loss. I know you will miss him very much. Hugs and prayers are with you during this hard time.
    My condolences to you and your family on your loss.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2013
    Dear Trish, I am so very sorry you've lost you husband. Yes you've been on this journey a long time, but we're really never prepared, are we? I wish you strength and peace and of course I give you and your family my condolences and deepest sympathy.
    ps I think I will be catatonic, nut just numb. Blessings to all.
    I'm sorry for your loss. Peace be with you.
    • CommentAuthorAliM
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2013
    Trish, I am sorry for the loss of your dear husband. May you find comfort in the arms and understanding of your family.
    Prayers to you and your family......thankfully he is at peace now.
    Trish sincere condolences
    My sincere sympathy. Numbness helps to get you through the next days.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2013
    Sorry Trish. I too am glad you did not have to make that hard decision. Now enjoy family, love each other up, and get some rest. Peace to you all.
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2013
    Trish, my deepest sympathies to you and yours. I am glad to hear you have your family surrounding you ((Hugs))
    So sorry. Let your loved ones take care of you as long as they are there. I am glad for you both that his passing was peaceful!
    • CommentAuthorSundown*
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2013
    Peace to you, Trish, in your time of sorrow. May I offer my deepest regrets and condolences. Good to have family surrounding you.
    • CommentAuthorElaineH
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2013
    trish, my thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad time.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2013

    So sorry for your loss. May God bless you and your family and bring you peace.

    • CommentAuthorElaine K
    • CommentTimeDec 29th 2013
    Peace and condolences to you and your family.
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeDec 30th 2013
    I echo the sincere condolescences of all the others. I am so glad that your family is there with you; at this time please allow them to take care of you - that's why they are there. I'm sure that beneath the numbness you feel relief for your husband that his suffering has ended. May God grant you peace in your time of sorrow.

    May God grant you peace and comfort. Enjoy the family while they are there. I am so releaved for your husband. He fought a good fight and you were right there with him.
    • CommentTimeDec 30th 2013
    You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Try and get as much rest as you can for the trying days ahead.
    So sorry.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeDec 30th 2013

    I am so sorry for your loss. My sincerest condolences.

    • CommentAuthordog
    • CommentTimeDec 30th 2013
    Wishing you much peace, Trish.
    • CommentAuthorhulamama51
    • CommentTimeDec 30th 2013
    Haven't been on here for a while but feel so totally alone ... people wish they could help but they really can't ... I'm finding that it's a road that you have to go down by yourself.....I am afraid of what this next year holds for my DH ... he has regressed so much this past year especially physically but is still functioning so that I can work my 3 days .. don't know how much longer that will last though. Curious to see how many people will admit that they wish sometimes that their loved one would just pass away before things get really bad. I feel bad for him ... he can't drive ... his speech is horrible to the point where I can't understand most of what he says. I feel sorry and sad & guilty all rolled into one. I feel like my siblings lives are going on and they are enjoying their "senior" years together but I'm at a stand still. I don't want to feel this way ... I love my DH ... we've been together 44 years but I'm tired all the time ... frustrated and scared all rolled into one. I just keep telling myself that he can't help what's going on ... he didn't do anything to bring it on himself. To be honest with you ... I don't think counseling with other caregivers would help me a bit ... I don't want to hear what could happen or what did happen....I have to live in the "present' not the future. Don't mean to vent but I feel like screaming most of the time.... it is affecting my health and I have my own health issues also. I don't want to fail my DH ... I want to be able to say when it's all said & done that I did my best to help him have a good life. Life just gets hard sometimes !!
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeDec 30th 2013
    I'm sorry Trish for your loss.

    (hulamama51 - life does get really hard - stay strong)
    Trish, So sorry for your loss, wishing peace and comfort.
    So very sorry to learn of your loss..I wish you comfort and peace.
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2013
    My condolences on your loss.
    • CommentAuthorabby* 6/12
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2013

    I am very sorry for your loss. Sending you and your family blessings.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2013
    My heartfelt condolences.
    Trish, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I wish you strength for the coming days.

    So sorry Trisha . Peace to you and your family.
    Thinking of you Trish.
    Pray you find comfort in knowing he is at peace.
    Please accept my condolences. Prayers for peace coming your way....
    • CommentAuthorLizbeth
    • CommentTimeJan 11th 2014

    My condolences to you and your family. It has been a long journey. I wish you peace.
