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    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeDec 27th 2013
    I decided to buy my husband an inexpensive tablet this year so he would stop playing with my "new" smartphone. I never wanted a smartphone but too many of my friends have been texting me and I am tired of paying for texts since my basic plan didn't include texting. Long story short I got a smart phone and a plan I could live with. To my surprise my husband picked up my phone and knew to "swipe" to get new images, etc.

    After 6 months of him playing and enjoying my phone (and me worrying he would ruin it) I decided to buy him a cheap (inexpensive) tablet that has most of my smartphone technology for Christmas. I decided he could ruin a $59 tablet and save my $200+ smartphone. Well, while I am searching the web or looking for new apps, he can do the same and not cause any harm. He smiles at me like he's conquering the new brave world and my smartphone is safe. I have loaded very simple apps for spelling, math, identifying animal and their sounds, etc on his tablet. so not only does he feel he's "hip" with the new technology it's helping to maintain his basic skills, at least for a while. Did I mention he loves taking "selfies:? For a small investment it's working for now and he feels like he's at the cutting edge of technology. He's probably in early stage 7 but he's still very competitive and wants what I have and the aide has. Right now it's working for us and the smile and happiness it brings to him is priceless. Who knew??? Now we're all swiping our tablets and smartphones and enjoying the new technological world.

    I just wanted to share our experience because it was the last thing I thought he could manage. I don't know how long this will continue but for a small investment it makes him happy, protects my smartphone and most of all allows me to engage him in keeping his basic skills..for now.

    This was our best Christmas present this year.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeDec 27th 2013
    I think you did a very good thing. My DH isn't advanced as yours is but he has an IPad and plays sudoku and a few other games that keeps his mind involved and he loves it.

    Hugs Jazzy
    • CommentAuthorabby* 6/12
    • CommentTimeDec 28th 2013 edited

    You are wonderful and it was wonderful to read your post. Especially where you said "He smiles at me like he's conquering the new brave world..." Of course, I have no idea what your husband looks like except for recalling that you have posted that he is quite tall and strong. But, when I read that, I just got this picture, or image in my mind of him smiling.

    It IS priceless and I'm glad you are enjoying him and these times. ♥

    Edited to add: LFL, I very much appreciated your comments to me on the Christmas Lodge topic. They were full of kindness and understanding.
    • CommentAuthorJanet
    • CommentTimeDec 28th 2013
    LFL, I'm glad your husband enjoys the tablet. It's always wonderful when we find something they can enjoy.

    i'm not sure though that he is in Stage 7. Here's the description that the Alzheimer's Association gives on their website for that stage.

    Stage 7: Very severe cognitive decline
    (Severe or late-stage Alzheimer's disease)
    In the final stage of this disease, individuals lose the ability to respond to their environment, to carry on a conversation and, eventually, to control movement. They may still say words or phrases.
    At this stage, individuals need help with much of their daily personal care, including eating or using the toilet. They may also lose the ability to smile, to sit without support and to hold their heads up. Reflexes become abnormal. Muscles grow rigid. Swallowing impaired.
    LFL- Happy to hear your husband's enjoying the new tablet. When my husband was in the earlier stages he enjoyed Nintendo's brain Age games.

    If their happy it's easier for us caregivers.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeDec 28th 2013
    Janet, if you reference the Fisher clinical scale of cognitive decline, it breaks down each stage into sub stages (6a, 6d , 6c. etc). My husband has FTD but I benchmark him with the Fisher scale for general purposes. Based on loss of ability cited in 6D & E I'd put him in those stages , creeping into stage 7. Actually I don't think the doctors really know what he has. He can still do simple math problems, follow a sequence of directives ("Go get your coat, put it on and go down the stairs to the car"), but is losing his speech and recently has become doubly incontinent. He needs help with every ADL, has no idea what day/month/year it is, but he continues to be ambulatory and can read (no comprehension). He's never fit neatly into a stage description, for example when he was in early stage 4 he lost the ability to properly toilet himself and could no longer tell which was the hot water spigot. I'm just glad given his cognitive deficits he's able to enjoy the tablet.
    Enjoy everyday with him. I'm happy for you that he has something to keep his attention and is having fun. What a nice gift for both of you.
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeDec 28th 2013
    LFL -
    Entertaining my DH is something I struggle with and his decline is most evident when it comes to technology - the computer, telephone, and the TV remote all give him problems.
    I am happy you were able to find something that would provide so much entertainment for your LO.
    Great idea, thanks so much for sharing.
    • CommentTimeDec 30th 2013
    That is absolutely fantastic LFL! I am glad that you were able to find something to bring him so much joy. I have a Kindle Fire, and though Lynn is diagnosed as end stage, he can still read the simple books I have loaded on it for him. He still gets such childish delight when he touches the screen and a new image shows up. It's like magic to him. Bless their hearts. And bless yours too for not giving up on him and trying to still find new ways to bring him happiness and purpose. ((Love and hugs))
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2013
    Oh Nikki, you are such an inspiration to us all! You make me cry...I will never give up on him and anything that makes him happy even for a few days I will try to provide. It was totally by accident that I found out he could still manage a "smart" something. It happened to be my smartphone when he saw his pictures, he just kept "swiping" to get more pictures of himself. I've loaded the tablet with all sorts of apps that he might be interested in and can still do and enjoy and yesterday I loaded all his "classic" music favorites - rolling stones, bruce springsteen, etc so I can just start the music and get a big smile and "dance moves". Of course, there are many "selfies" on the tablet too. It has truly brought us both much joy. In a time when we're experiencing such heartache about loss, we've found this miracle thing we both can share. Happy New Year to you and your beloved Lynn; I always appreciate when you take the time to comment on my posts; it means so much.

    I've learned a lot about hope, perseverance and forgiveness from you. Thank you for those priceless gifts.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeDec 31st 2013
    LFL - where did you find a tablet for $59 ? What kind is it? I would like to get one for my 7 year old granddaughter to read books on and maybe play some games but do not want to spend a lot of money on one.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeJan 1st 2014 edited
    Charlotte, actually many stores, such as Walmart and Target had some 7" tablets on sale before Christmas. I think the one at Walmart was an RCA brand and was $59.00. You can search the internet and see what comes up. Maybe even Amazon.

    I ordered my husband's from an online company The tablet brand is iRola, is made in china, has a hard plastic back and comes in several different colors and with accessories for $59.00. It takes about 2-3 weeks to receive. I was very hesitant to order from them since I knew nothing about them, but sometimes you just take a chance. I actually ended up ordering a total of 4 tablets from them as gifts and all the tablets work fine, for now. The only negative experience I had was that 2 of the tablets came on Christmas Eve due to high demand and delivery issues, and 1 was the wrong color. Customer service was good-first they offered that I could return the wrong color tablet even though they said it would be a final sale; when I told them it was too much of a hassle they said they would issue a refund.

    It's an android tablet and has all the functionality of a tablet including 2 cameras (not such good quality) but I wanted to get something that could possibly get destroyed and I wouldn't be upset about. This fit the bill.
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeJan 2nd 2014
    Hmmmm, I've been trying to think of something to entertain my dh as he watches tv all day or wants my undivided attention. I do get tired of the same conversation over and over again. Think I'll load some games on my computer and see if I can get him interested. Thanks.
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeJan 2nd 2014
    All "App" ideas would be greatly appreciated. I also have a very hard time thinking of games that he CAN play. Maybe Solitaire? However, I don't even remember how the game is played and I played it for hours and hours when I was a kid.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeJan 2nd 2014
    mother, I've loaded all free apps usually designed for children. Let's do the math, Guess the dog breed, spelling bee, some others that I don't remember. At first I thought he might be offended because they are very basic, but I wanted them to help him retain whatever skills he has left. He's never said he thinks they're too simple and he enjoys them. Really likes the swiping motion on the tablet.

    Solataire is too complicated for my husband - he's in late stage 6.
    • CommentTimeJan 2nd 2014 edited
    Wow LFL, you are too too kind. The next time life kicks me around too much, I will try to remember to come here to get a dose of your love and compassion to boost me up again <3

    We got our nephew the RCA tablet for 50.00 on cyber Monday. It is pretty good, but the video is less than he would have liked. Still, a great value for the money invested.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJan 2nd 2014 edited
    hidden object games if they have one for children where the objects are easier to find.

    Update: I checked on apps for android in amazon and they do have children hidden objects. From the picture they look like they are large, a lot larger than the ones I play
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeJan 2nd 2014
    Okay, I think I will follow up on this idea. Maybe the grandkids can help me with apps, they're 7 and 11 - well, maybe not, they're all about high tech games, etc. But I like the math and my dh was a pilot and I'm sure there must be a game with planes??

    Nikki, you are so affirming to all of us. I'm so glad to know you!
    • CommentTimeJan 3rd 2014 edited
    mothert, here is a web site that might suit your pilot husband. You may also be able to access the view from the cockpit. From my house in Vancouver, I can view the YVC airport in Richmond, and we have air traffic coming in from Hong Kong, Russia, the States, Japan, Korea.... Once I happened in on the radio band between the control tower and a plane that was off course and threatening other planes. Since then, I have a great interest in this site:
    • CommentTimeJan 3rd 2014
    Aircraft Tracking
    Read through this whole item before clicking on the red link...You will be impressed. Every day, we see planes in the sky, sometimes very high.. with or without contrails. and we ask ourselves questions.
    What type of plane, airbus A320, 330, 350? Boeing.....or other.
    Where does it come from, where is it going, what altitude, what speed, what company etc.

    You can see all the information instantly on your screen. but before clicking on the link:


    Here is more information on using this tracking site:

    Some tricks......on the map you will see all the planes in the air.

    To view your region or town, you can zoom in by tapping with your mouse.

    click on an airplane, and on the left screen you will get all the info.

    Airline, type, speed, altitude in real time, re calculated every 10 seconds.

    On some you can also click on 'view from the cockpit'
    Hi LFL--great idea. Each of our spouses is so different. Technology went out the window for Steve way, way back. Years before dx he was saying his Palm Pilot was broken; laptop broken; digital camera wouldn't work. Kudos to you for figuring out your hubby would enjoy the tablet. I think that's the secret in dealing with a LO with dementia--we need to figure out what still "makes them tick" and go for it. It can be challenging, but who knows them better than we do?
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeJan 3rd 2014
    Great hearing from you Marilyn. Actually I really wouldn't have believed any tech gadget would have worked. Early on he could no longer figure out the computer, now he can no longer answer a phone, he doesn't know how to work the cd in the stereo and he certainly doesn't know how to use the TV remote anymore. But, his fascination with my new smartphone and being able to "swipe" to get pictures, music, apps, that's captured his attention and some part of his brain. After last night perhaps I should change the title of this thread from Tablet Miracle to Tablet Mixed Blessing!

    After dinner he was a bit antsy so I got his tablet and started playing the songs I loaded on it for him. Well, he's my dancing machine and even with a broken kneecap he can "groove" to the music. Played songs for over an hour (probably close to 2) when the aide got him to go upstairs to change and go to bed. Well guess what?! No one slept until the tablet lost it's charge and couldn't play music anymore. He's very possessive of things that make him happy and believe me no one could pry this tablet from his hands or even come near it. He finally fell asleep around 4 am with the tablet safely hidden under his pillow.

    so given the snowstorm and a sleepless night we're all taking it easy today. The aide pleaded with me not to play music on the tablet after 11 am because Rich would be wired all day/night. Mixed blessing indeed, but nothing can replace that smile and sparkle in his eye! Just have to figure out how to manage it so we can get some sleep.
    • CommentAuthorFiona68
    • CommentTimeJan 3rd 2014
    Oh my goodness, LFL, that was funny (from my standpoint at least). Even with a sleepless night, I bet you are still glad you gave him something that brings him joy! If I thought it might work for my DH, I'd be right out there buying one today.