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    • CommentAuthortexasgirl
    • CommentTimeDec 26th 2013
    Just wanted to share that my DH mysteriously fractured his femur in the assisted living facility he has resided in for 2 years. He was walking just fine Sunday evening, and then all of a sudden Monday he could not hold up his own body weight. Oddly, no one at the facility reported anything and they were telling me that "they" eventually stop walking. I poked and prodded and no one reported a fall or finding him on the floor. After about 5 days of my persistence in trying to find out what happened, my DH's thigh began to swell. After two days, the facility finally ordered an xray which confirmed a femur fracture. My DH was admitted to the hospital that evening and had surgery the next day. He was in the hospital one week and has been in Skilled Nursing for about 3 weeks now. It looks like DH may never walk again.

    I am very disappointed that the assisted living facility did not immediately start investigating why all of a sudden my DH could not walk. Now he must go to a true "nursing home" when he is released from skill nursing care. Just wanted you to be aware, that we can never let our guard down.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeDec 26th 2013
    Sorry texasgirl. With every thing else we have to deal with, to deal with a seemingly uncaring staff is hard. Plus, the losses your hb has suffered.
    Texasgirl, I am sorry to hear your DH has a fractured leg. When my mom was going through this ordeal one day she could walk with an aide at her side and the next morning she didn't know how to stand up and fell down, never walked again. It is true that this can happen just as they told you. However you should have been notified ASAP.
    • CommentAuthorBama*2/12
    • CommentTimeDec 27th 2013
    It does happen. My DH was walking at six and could not stand up to walk at seven. It is easy to see why the NH thought it was a progression in the disease.
    Yes, it does happen quickly sometimes. Mine was walking on Saturday - but couldn't on Sunday.
    • CommentAuthormariposa
    • CommentTimeJan 11th 2014 edited
    I am sorry to hear this happened. I am also understanding this sudden loss of walking I've been attributing to side effects from behavior drugs, could be progression. So maybe he is headed into stage 7 now. About placement, the Medicare nursing home compare website is very good, and in addition to rating the care with stars for each aspect, it has inspection reports and you can read what the violations are to judge where he goes. I also found the Nursing Home Ombudsman for my county was extremely knowledgeable and helpful about facilities that would best be able to deal with him and gave good care, since she got all the problems. If he is located at a good place, your life will be a bit easier in regard to having to be vigilant. I wish I had learned this at the beginning of placement, because the first place we were in had terrible care, and where we are now has excellent care.It does make it easier to not have to police his care constantly. Hang in there.