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    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeDec 26th 2013
    I bought DH to my apartment for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and this morning. We had a very good time, very quiet but fun and peaceful, except for one incident where he decided that I should do things his way and I said told him it would be my way. He then informed me that that is why we don't live together. I just can't let him run rough shod over me anymore. My new Social worker said not to let him do this anymore and to set limits.
    His LTC and the same Social Worker are concerned about my bringing him here but until he give me reason not to I will continue. Two nights are a little long for him. He is ready to go home now.
    He bought me a new printer for Christmas and for the first time he was unable to set it up. His computer skills are starting to diminish. I expect that by spring he will not be able to do much of the things with his computer that he has done for years. It is so sad to see this happen as he was a real expert with the computer and at one time he ran a network right across Canada.Those skills are not there anymore.
    It was a good Christmas and maybe it will be the last one like this but for now it is good.
    I will be happy when this year is over. Maybe the next one will be a little better?


    • CommentAuthorAmber
    • CommentTimeDec 26th 2013
    Hi Jazzy!

    You have power!!! Wew what an ice storm your guys had! I was talking to family back on Cape Breton Island and while they got the some wind and rain nothing like what you got.

    That is so nice you and hubby had a good Christmas. I guess all we can do now is enjoy what they are able to do and let the rest go.

    I didn't bring hubby home, after thinking and talking to others, I decided that with him still wanting to come home so badly that if I did I would just be creating a big problem. I had my daughter, her hubby and granddaughter here for Christmas and they didn't need to see or deal with that. We went to the Lodge in the afternoon and had him open his gifts. One was the thermometer that my granddaughter put on the outside of his window....he likes to keep track of the temperature and writes it down. Then for the first time let us rearrange his room and put up pictures. It looks much better now, though I did buy him a leather Lazy Boy recliner that he grumped about because it meant to him that he really was staying there. The kids left to go back to the cabin to make xmas dinner and I stayed and had dinner with him. They did a really nice dinner, very festive. Then back to the cabin for a second dinner. It was a good xmas.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeDec 26th 2013
    Happy you had a good Christmas and was able to stay firm with him. Knowing he can't control you he might decide he doesn't want to come home.

    For me, glad the holidays are over and this year is coming to an end.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeDec 26th 2013
    To day his son and DIL came and took us out for brunch. DH was very tired. They dropped me off at my apartment and took DH to the LTC and he took DIL for a short tour and DS hung the family picture our DD made for him for Christmas of all the family. He loved it.
    He went to bed from 15:30 to 16:45 and the just had milk and water for dinner as he said he was stuffed. From the late brunch we had.
    He was happy to get back to his home and is not asking to come back anytime soon. I thought he would want to come here and spend New Years but he said it was just another day and he would be fine there.
    I'm really tired as he had bad dreams both nights and I again woke up every time he got up to use the bathroom. I felt like I was back a few months ago care ing for him. It sure tired me out.
    I don't think I could go back to caring for him full time again and he does much better where he is. So am I.

    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeDec 26th 2013
    day trips sound like a much better choice for both of you
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeDec 27th 2013
    Yes your right. He told me tonight that he doesn't have the bad dreams when he sleeps at the LTC but he does when he is at my apartment. I think that it will be just day trips now as I think anything else is to much for him and for me.
    It seems so strange that he is more comfortable in a strange place then here with me. He has always said that I am not a professional so he doesn't have to listen to me as I am not trained to care for him. We have no idea why this is how he thinks but that is the way it is. I used to have to call his Geriatric Nurse and tell her the problem I was having and she would call him and tell him exactly what I was saying and he would do it for her.

    Hugs Jazzy