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    There has been a GI bug going around in DH's ALF. He has not been feeling well for a few days and last night it hit him full force. I sat with him last night until he fell asleep, and since he had been given Zofran, I was fairly sure he would sleep for a while. I told the nurse to call me if they wanted me to come back in to sit with him. I want to be there to comfort him, but our children are coming home this weekend and I have to make a four hour round trip to the airport. I also don't want to bring any bug home that will run through the family. My question is, how much are we expected to do to assist when there is an acute illness like this?
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeDec 21st 2013
    marche, my husband is still at home, so I'm no expert, but I do have some opinions. Based on your post, it seems as though it was your decision to sit with your DH to comfort him. I think it should be up to you as to how much time and effort you want to give in assisting the ALF staff to help keep your guy comfortable. Since they didn't call you to come back, it seems as though they have it under control - for now. Unless they call you and specifically request that you come in and help and you feel they are taking good care of your guy, then I think it's your decision how frequently to go.
    LFL Contagious illnesses are a constant threat in a closed community like an ALF. No amount of hand washing can prevent a vistor from passing on a communicable disease. I think marche poses the relevant question:
    how much are we expected to do to assist......
    My MIL died in a NH due to untreated pneumonia, the family said no to antibiotics when she got the flu.
    MY DW was in Hospice Care and it was recommended that she not get a flu shot - the flu possibility leading to a humane ending, regrettably she never got the flu
    • CommentTimeDec 21st 2013
    I've always thought it better to keep visiting at a minimum, if at all, to any hospital or care facility, when there is a flu epidemic. The fewer exchange of viruses, the better, for both communities. The plus of their staff and resources is greater than the risk to you and to others you are in contact with.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeDec 21st 2013
    Marty, how much are you expected to do to assist? I'm not sure her question was answered. Yes, I know a closed facility has higher risks of illnesses and contagion, but what would you recommend that she do to answer her question "how much are we expected to do to assist?"
    • CommentTimeDec 21st 2013
    marche, bless your kind heart ((Hugs)) I think the best answer to your question is to assist as much as you want to. There is no set rule on this. I know where my husband is it is not expected for family to spend extra time with their loved one. Most do though, for the very reason you gave, we want to comfort them as much as we can. And in truth I do it as much for me as for Lynn.

    When there is any cold or flu going around we are not allowed to go into the facility without a face mask on. It is an individuals choice whether they go in or not. My Lynn does better with me there when he is sick. If I am really sick I do not go. It just isn't worth the risk of getting them all sick.

    I hope you have a wonderful time with your children and that your DH starts to feel better very quickly!