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    Cassie kindly posted and asked on how things were with Dh and I...and how we are coping with an on going heat wave.
    I haven't posted in a long time as I find it difficult to express and put my feelings into words.

    I've been on often but don't post much.
    I don't mind the heat too much, though days and days of it gets too much, but I'm fine.... I hope you are too.
    Reno is under air-con, so he's feeling that cold air more than the heat. He has lost so much weight, only 50.2 kilos and seems to have shrunk...declined so much. Totally incontinent now, can't walk or talk now, and I go into feed him every day.
    It's heartbreaking to watch him go down like this. There's no more aggression, he's very calm and just sits quietly all day. Sometimes he knows me, most times he doesn't.
    Family and friends have been a wonderful support, as everyone here has been.
    All the aggression and other stages seem to be just a blur now...and I feel like I'm just waiting for that final stage.

    Thank you for caring and thinking of us.
    • CommentTimeDec 19th 2013
    Dearest Julia, so good to hear from you! I too check in often but rarely post these days. I am saddened to hear of Reno's decline and my heart hurts with yours. It is so difficult in this stage, not wanting them to suffer at all, but clinging so desperately to what remains. It wouldn't hurt so much if the love wasn't so great.. hold tight to the memories of your amazing life together. Much love ((hugs))
    Thank you Nikki, I think of you often and always looking for your posts.
    Take care. ( Hugs )
    Julia and Nikki --- I think about you often and send both of you my prayers. Nothing I can say will lessen your sorrow over the condition of your dh. Just know you are thought of. My journey has been over more than a year now - every stage of this is hard - grief goes on just in a different way.
    Oh Julia my heart is so sad for you. Thank you so much for your update. Reno's progression sounds so much like my Dado.
    • CommentAuthorcassie*
    • CommentTimeDec 20th 2013
    And what about you,Coco how are you doing?
    An update on both you and Dado would be good (if you are able) as I have been concerned about you as well as Julia. XX
    Thank you so much Florence, this is the hardest time of my life. Some days I just can't believe it's really happening to my dh.

    Coco, for a while I think Dado had declined quicker than Reno, but now they both seem to be about the same stage. My heart goes out to you too.
    My hearts broken and gutted, just as I know you must feel the same way. Christmas cards arriving wishing us both a happy and healthy new year...which of course it's never going to be.