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    • CommentTimeDec 17th 2013 edited
    I watched this video and started to just bawl. It's so beautiful and made me think of those I have lost, especially my Dad. And it made me think of all you dear souls who have recently lost their beloved spouse. And all the rest of us who are clinging so tightly to what remains of our loved ones....It made all sorts of emotions flow through me.... and I am unable to share them, but it did also bring a measure of hope and peace to my broken heart, and I hope it does for you too......

    Here voice is simply beautiful! you can watch it here, just copy this link.......

    And here is what the girl wrote when she posted the lyrics to her song....
    "I've lost a lot of very special people over the last few years. I wrote this song for the ones who passed away in my life.
    R.I.P my dear friends, well meet again..
    -Sorry about the feedback I recorded on a mic :D-

    Dani and Lizzy - Dancing in the Sky"

    VERSE 1:
    What does it look like in heaven
    is it peaceful and free like they say
    does the sun shine bright forever
    have your fears and your pain gone away
    cause Here on earth it feels like everything.. good is missing, since you left
    here on earth everything is different, there is an emptiness

    I hope your dancing in the sky
    I hope your singing with the angels choir
    I hope the angels, know what they have
    I bet it's nice up in heaven since you arrived

    VERSE 2:
    Tell me, what do you do up in heaven
    are you're days filled with love and light
    is there music? is there art and invention
    tell me are you happy and more alive

    cause Here on earth it feels like everything.. good is missing, since you left
    here on earth everything is different, there is an emptiness

    I hope your dancing in the sky
    I hope your singing with the angels choir
    I hope the angels, know what they have
    I bet it's nice up in heaven since you arrived
    Very touching, Nikki! Yes, I cried too.