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    We are iced over here and DH is fading fast. He has been in bed for four days now. Has only had a few sips of broth and water the last two days. Sleeping most of the time now. Hospice nurse came out yesterday and his vital signs were still normal. I have him in a depends now. I am at a loss as what to do. Am worried about power going out. Hopefully it won't. We live in town and the ele crews are ready if it goes out. Just sitting here, sad in an iced up house. DD is in her room, all of this is getting to hard for her too........
    Are there shelters available for you and DD? For DH I'd call Hospice and beg to get DH into a hospital Hospice unit, explain DH's condition is declining and you need help now!!!! Not later when it's impossible for help to reach you
    We still have power and DD and I are doing well. I would not want to try and get out now. Everything is frozen over and I don't think they have any shelters set up as of now. DH has been declining for the past few weeks. Just very hard to do this by myself and worry about the ice too.

    Don't know where you are but I am in Michigan and I have had my share of ice storms. Only advice I can give you is take care of dh and dd plus yourself. Try not to worry about the ice. Nothing you can do. Worry will just zap your strength. Keep posting. In the meantime you are in my prayers. Love and hugs.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeDec 6th 2013
    You might want to contact the electric company or fire department and let them know your husband's condition. A lot of time medical problems will dictate areas for power to be restored if it goes out. Also, the fire department can give you advice on what to do in case it goes out. No reason not to be prepared.
    ....It seems like your going through the worst times right now with even the weather
    causing you grief. All I can think of to say to you is that when the times were really bad
    for me, I had friends and neighbors that were only a phone call away, and I'm hoping
    that you have the same help available to you. If not, in an emergency you can always call 911.
    ....Now that my bad times are over, I feel like a much stronger person for having endured them.
    Right now I feel like I can handle anything life has to throw at me.
    ....Maybe you will receive the same reward...............Your friend GeorgieBoy
    Dear Blue,

    I have often been on the receiving end of your kindness and consideration.

    In retrospect I don't know if it was worse when the power would go out in heat or in cold. Regardless, it just exacerbates the feelings of being powerless, which we know too well. I know I would have waited until the last possible moment to evacuate- just in general.

    All I can do is send you prayers and best wishes.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeDec 7th 2013
    I also agree that maybe having hospice move your spouse to a facility til hes better may be the way to go. and if the power goes out do call electric and let them know you have a person on hospice and or oxygen? that will speed up their respond time. hope things work out for you mentally and weather wise. its hard to have to worry over these things on top of the disease.
    We made it through the night. Still have power and sunshine :) Older DD is coming by this afternoon. DH did fall again this morning and cut his head on the corner of the wall. Not bad, just can't get him to stay in bed. I had left the room to get his meds and that was all it took. Did call his hospice nurse and let her know. She is going to come by when the weather clears. I told her to stay home and not try to get to us now. Nothing she could do. Ice bag and pain meds is all that is needed.

    This is all just very stressful!!! As you all know. Thank you for being there for me and thanks for the kind thoughts and words of advice. Could not have gotten this far without you.

    • CommentAuthorring
    • CommentTimeDec 7th 2013
    blue, I am praying for you (and all of us) during this difficult time. Please know that people care and are thinking of you even if you are frozen in. Hang in there.
    blue I am so sorry for all your trials and your dear man, and your family. That falling is so awful how I remember. Hang on dear friend.
    • CommentAuthorFiona68
    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2013
    Blue, I don't have any advice for you but wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you. Remember the cyber rope with the knots? Well, I'm sending one out to you with a couple of (very amateur) knots! Grab on. You are not alone. We are all here with you.
    DH is still declining. But seems to be resting well. Thanks for the support and rope :) I am so grateful for all your love and kindness.
    We are getting a hospital bed in tomorrow. Seem like a bad dream. This will be the last night in bed together. DH is being taken away from me little by little. You all understand......
    Yes we all understand. We got our hospital bed on October 15th and he hasn't been out of it since. I'm getting better at washing him and changing diapers and pads by myself. Our hospice aide hasn't been here for 2 days because of the weather. Two people called today to make sure we were all right and that we had power.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeDec 11th 2013
    blue to others it can seem a minor event, but having your spouse into a hospital bed and away from sleeping together is such a stressful and sad event. I was devastated when we have one delivered for DH too. I wept as I held his hand thru the rails me on our bed and him in the hospital bed. its been about 3years plus now. it was a very sad time so I understand how you feel. it will get better once you adjust but these changes do hurt so badly too.
    His hospital bed was delivered 9-15 and it tore me apart. But, as divvi said, it does get better as you adjust to the changes. He was only in it until 11-11; then to hospice unit for 3 days; then to nursing home for 11 days before he passed on 11-24l Memorial service 12-6. So quick! My heart breaks for all of you.

    blue and Mary, I just tied another knot in the rope. Hang on tight. We are here for you.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeDec 11th 2013
    Vickie, you have amazing strength!