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    • CommentAuthorwatchful7
    • CommentTimeDec 5th 2013
    My wife, has been in a dementia facility, for 9 weeks. Earlier this week she had urinary incontinence and then yesterday had bowel incontinence. That is the 1st incontinence that she's had of either type. She's also showing more confusion with respect to dressing as she put her underwear on top of her slacks. All of this shows further deterioration of what's left of her reasoning ability.

    I'm wondering if there's any sort of marker indicating how many years she might have left based upon her onset of incontinence? There is a correlation- can it be quantified. I guess I'm getting more worried and anxious with further visible signs of her losing herself.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeDec 6th 2013
    watchful, I am not of the belief incontinence Is a marker for death. my DH has been incontinent for over 7yrs+ now. hes in late end stage and even this has been ongoing for now over 2yrs. he is classified under the Fast scale 7e. which is quite deteriored and has been here for some time now. the incontinence began well into mid stages. it is a sign there is a disconnect in brain /body function but this is to be expected as the disease advances. I would also consider the change during the last 9wks as part of it, as it is confusing and a new surrounding that can cause loss as well. they can rebound some once more comfortable where they are.
    incontinence as an onset can also be a sign of urinary tract infections and its well known sometimes they may not be getting adequate hydration in a facility. you may can ask the dr on her care to check for that just to rule out any infection. then it is an ongoing disease and new symptomology can show at any time.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeDec 6th 2013

    Based upon my experience with my husband and 6 years of with many Alzheimer friends, I would say that incontinence has no correlation to when death will occur. There is no rhyme or reason to when certain aspects of Alzheimer's Disease will occur. The disease affects everyone differently.

    Based on my experience - Only 1 or 2 unrinary events prior to DW's passing, the only correlation you can assume (cognitive and dressing issues) is that Alzheimer's is taking its relentless toll
    .....with my Helen, who had vascular dementia, she was incontinent
    for one year before passing, and the whole trip was about eight years.
    My DH has not had any incontinent problems until this week, more accidents than incontinent I think. And is very near the end we feel. Going to the bathroom has been one of the last things he remembers to do and think that is why he is falling so much.