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    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeDec 4th 2013
    Well, I am home from my Thanksgiving vacation, and met with a mess of computer problems. To make a long story as short as possible - My laptop with the working web design software on it is sitting in Chicago Midway TSA' s lost and found. Not sure how long it will take to get here. Sooooo, until Matt comes to set up the software on my desktop, the home page of TheAlzheimerspouse will remain as is. I can't post a blog or remove the turkey picture. Matt is scheduled to come tonight, so hopefully I can work on it tomorrow.

    In the meantime, if you have not already done so, please read the Thanksgiving blog that I posted while I was away. It says it all in regards to how it feels to be surrounded by family, yet totally alone on what has always been the biggest holiday of the year in my house.

    And FYI- after 6 1/2 years of living in Florida, this body DID NOT respond well to 20 degrees weather. Not at all. Nope.

    Between Hannuka and Thanksgiving coming at the same time this is the first set of holidays for so many of you that you will be alone. My heart goes out to all of you.
    Joan the magic words are: Copy your web design software CD's and backup Carbonite, Mozy where ever.
    This morning I restored a neighbor's computer with the exact same prolems... We took his daughter computer, installed is software and restored all his files via Cabonite... it took 4 hours (a slow Comcast connection and a ton of files but he's was up and running this afternoon/ Before Thanksgiving a similar situation except this guy had backed up to an external hard drive.... His computer was stolen/lost. He bought a new one we installed his company specific software, plugged in the external hard drive and the most time consuming aspect was the purchase of a new computer and going thru the Win 8 set up and registration routine.

    When I was at my daughter's, I though I'd die of terminal chapped lips... forced air is meant for air conditioning not heating