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    • CommentAuthorAnn*
    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2013
    If any of you get a chance read Amy Grants message/story on the home page.Joan has a link there.It's very touching.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeDec 3rd 2013
    Just read it - it is very touching. Both of her parents - wow.
    Just not the same, though, as a spouse. Still good to read.
    After reading this story I'm beginning to realize that going through this dementia
    experience with your parents may be just as difficult and heartbreaking as with
    a spouse. I think It's just a matter of how close you are to your loved one.
    After Reading what I posted yesterday and thinking about it , I changed my mind.
    I think It's much more painful to be a caregiver for your spouse than for a parent.
    The reason being that if it's your parent, you can be a loving caregiver and still
    go on with your life, but if ti's your spouse, your life is taken from you.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeDec 6th 2013
    George, your first comment has some merit. I was not in that position with my parents. I always thought that I had been saved, for some reason, from long term care for my parents (my dad was gone in an instant & Mom was ill for about 6 weeks). Little did I know then what was coming with my husband.
    My mom's sister had Alz. & for her single daughter, she became her baby. It was rather sad & my cousin has never really dealt with it. It was like she lost her child. Actually, when I write this out, it sounds a little morbid.....

    this is such a beautiful song. It starts out kind of slow, then melds in to a beautiful country beat. The rivers going to keep on rolling on...
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeDec 8th 2013
    Was reading today about Kris Kristofferson suffering memory loss. He believes it is due to concussions he suffered in his early years playing football and boxing. But, he says he can still remember his songs and that is important. And, he would not change his life even knowing this would happen back then.