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    As my sweet hubs continues his downward spiral into the depths of Alzheimer's I still see 3 distinct things from his personality that remain. I guess they do bring a great deal of comfort to realize Alzheimer's hasn't stolen everything!!! Here is the link if you are interested... it's a christian based blog, in case that is not your thing, just letting you know. By the way, my hubs is just 49, we have been dealing with this for 3 long years!
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2013
    Lovely! Keep those uplifting tidbits coming! Thank you so much for sharing.
    ....I looked at your website. It's beautiful, and you write so well.
    It's a horrible shame that your family has to be going through this at
    such a young age. When Helen and I were at your age, we were going
    through the best time of our lives. But I really believe that adversity
    builds strength and brings family closer together.
    ....From your writing, it looks like you are handling it very well and I'm
    sure that being able to get your feelings out on your website is a great
    comfort to you. .....Keep writing Sandy, and I'll keep reading.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeDec 3rd 2013
    Wonderful! Have bookmarked your site - thank you.
    • CommentAuthorMoon*
    • CommentTimeDec 3rd 2013 edited
    Sandy, I have followed your blog for several years. Your story, like others here who have young children,
    is especially difficult to read. As George said, at that stage of our lives, we were relatively sailing along
    without the terrible stresses of this horrid disease.
    While my husband was 61 at diagnosis and our children grown, it was still a hard struggle to accept
    that our plans for the future were not to be.
    I remember reading in one of your blogs a couple of years ago - I think someone reminded you of a Bible quote
    -" Not to worry about tomorrow because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough troubles of its own".
    I thank you for that - I held on to that thought and tried to simply get through each day - one at a time.
    I am happy that Curt still remembers to love you and his God and to laugh.
    I found that through all the changes during the 9 years my husband suffered, he always held on to some of
    his old self. That alone made life bearable for me.
    I think you are doing a fantastic job of keeping Curt involved while he still can.
    Keep up with the good work and keep your blog going - I feel as if I know your
    family - and I enjoy reading it very much.
    Thanks Moon never knew I had readers form this site. :) Really I appreciate your insights and kind words. And thanks GeorgieBoy love your perspective!! Thanks Mim too