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    Hey you guys........
    ....I just finished making a song about this place. I've made many
    songs about things that mean a lot to me. Songs about my Dear Helen,
    my kids, my grandson, and songs about the good old days. Even songs
    about the sad dementia journey. So now with too much time on my
    hands, I'm at it again.
    ....As with all my other songs, it's rather poor quality because I
    could never find anyone to sing for me, and I myself can't sing.
    However I found that I could just say the words, and get the computer
    to put them into the proper pitch, so that's what I did.
    ....If you would like to hear it you can go to my website and find it
    on the "audio" page entitled "The Alzheimers Spouse Dot Com"
    ....My website is .....It's also in my
    profile. And remember, this is not an email address......Type it into
    the the top bar on your web page.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeNov 30th 2013

    I am looking forward to listening to the song you wrote about my site. Unfortunately, my tablet isn't cooperating when I hit the "audio" link. Since it's almost 1 AM and my eyes are closing, I think I'll wait until the morning to give it another try.

    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2013
    Neat how technology worked so well. Love the song and your voice sounds great
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2013
    I've liked several songs George made earlier in the year. Keep on bopping George.
    • CommentAuthorring
    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2013
    LOVE IT. Thank you.
    George, loved the song.
    Really neat! I love the song, in fact your whole site is great. I haven't yet heard all the songs but played several.
    Great song George. I suggest we make it our theme song! You are indeed a wise and talented man. Thank you so much for sharing with us.
    I will be exploring your whole site. Keep it going. You have lots of wisdom and kindness.
    Beautiful and heartfelt song about The Alzheimer Spouse Dot Com, George -- it got me teary for the first time in a long time. My Frances could have provided beautiful vocal harmony backup -- she could fake harmony to anything, right up to just weeks before her death, and loved doing it.
    Am I the only one who could not find the song on that site? I listened to "Horrible George" and it was really cute but couldn't find one about this site.
    At the main page click AUDIO at the right end of bar at the top of the page. Its the 3rd song down. I had trouble finding it yesterday.
    ....Dazed........"The Alzheimers Spouse Dot Com" song is the 3rd song on the
    list. You said you listened to "Horrible George" which is 2nd on the list, so
    all you have to do is scroll down the list one more song. I think the song
    plays fairly well on a PC running windows. I tried it on my little I-Pad and
    when I pressed play, I got a black screen for about seven seconds before
    I could play it.
    ....Of course I want to thank everyone for their kind words about the song.
    If I read any more, I'll be getting the big head and thinking I'm a musician.
    Some of you offered the suggestion that I keep doing it. So I have to tell
    you a little story.
    ....When I first started my website, I specifically asked for suggestions
    about my songs because I didn't Know anything about how they were being
    received.....Well.....I only received one suggestion. It was from a muscian
    who was really trying to help me. His suggestion was..."GeorgieBoy, why don't
    you just give it up?".....Well, I didn't give it up, but I quit asking for
    suggestions.......Anyway, I want to thank you all for listening .....GeorgieBoy
    ......Dazed........After giving it much thought, I think I figured out what the
    problem was. You were playing the juke -box instead of going to the audio_songs page.
    ......I have now eliminated the juke-box. It wasn't any good anyway........
    Yep, George, that's what I was doing but after further instructions, I finally found it. Your songs are a breath of fresh air. Hard to believe you're 92 years old!