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    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2013
    Hello Everyone,

    So much has happened this year in my life and in many of yours, that I felt it was time to write a new Thanksgiving blog, instead of posting the one I have used for the last few years. I invite you to log onto the home page - - and read it. Please post comments here.

    Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Joan, and to all the folks on this site.
    It has been a very hard year for all of us but somewhere if we dig deep enough we can find lots of things for which to be grateful
    Safe travels to all those in the air or freeways...or sea....and don't stuff yourself, Christmas is coming and we have to leave room for more ... : }
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2013
    I am thankful for many things. I am thankful that I was blessed with a husband who loved and loves me and who has stood beside me and supported me in almost every little thing that I ever wanted to do (not that he didn't do a certain amount of complaining along the way LOL). I am thankful today that my dh is mostly compliant and that I haven't had to endure the true darkness this disease serves up yet (yes, I know it is just around the corner). I am thankful for loving and supportive family members and friends, and resources to weather this storm. I am very grateful for my faith in God that never fails to lift me up and out of the darkness.
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeNov 28th 2013
    I almost forgot .... I am most grateful and thankful to Joan and this website and all who have helped me along this journey. Thank you all so very much!!!
    Another great post, Joan. Sometimes it's very hard to reach way down and grab those things we are or should be thankful for. I am thankful I could keep DH home until the last two weeks; thankful for the great care he received at the NH; thankful I found out who my real friends are - and left the others behind; thankful I did not proceed on the medicaid route - I was so close to losing everything we had worked for - and it was like he was telling me to just wait a couple of weeks longer and I listened. He truly was the wind beneath my wings.

    We who have lost our loved ones still have a lot of adjusting to do. It will not be easy for us but I am thankful that those who have been through this are still here - on Joan's - to give the rest of us inspiration, hope and strength. I shall forever be grateful for them.

    May this day bring the spirit of thankfulness to us all.
    I am thankful for good books to read, a harp to play (that does not wake my husband up, as the piano does), and a beautiful park across the road where I can just walk out of my front door and take long walks while my husband sleeps. And disposable incontinent briefs--and that I finally got him to wear them. They make poop patrol a breeze! Happy Thanksgiving to all! Hang in there, and know that you are not alone.
    Happy Thanksgiving Joan and all members of this unique group. I'm confident we all wish we were never placed in the circumstances that have brought us together, yet thankful we have discovered the mutual support we've found here.

    Much to be thankful for, in spite of the recent passing of DW. We only experienced the deepest horrors of the depths of AD the last several months. Never had to change a Depends nor experience aggression or anything but her smile until the final weeks when the combined effects of cancer and Alzheimer's overwhelmed her.

    Today an enjoyable Thanksgiving with friends today brought forth laughter and tears. Everyone talked of Sue's infectious laugh and bright witty chat and her always creating trouble (fun) ... I lost it totally when I realized I could not recall the sound of her pre Alzheimer's -aphasia voice, laughter, or even the last time we had a two way conversation .. The day was saved by a friend producing a CD he brought of a video taken at aNew Years Eve Party back in 2000 or 01, as usual with this group consensus is rare. Seeing Sue laughing and being her usual self, creating mayhem, saved the day !!!!
    Like Vickie, I am thankful for the all of the real friends and family
    • CommentAuthoracvann
    • CommentTimeNov 29th 2013
    I am thankful that Clare has made a wonderful transition to her ALF during these past 3 months. She looks healthier than she has in years. Whereas she used to sleep for 15 hours a day and then sit in front of a TV like a potted plant ... except when I had to wake her 'early' after 'only' 11 hours of sleep to go to day care ...she now is up late gabbing with friends, she is eating nutritious meals, getting in daily exercise, and enjoying her many activities. She now only sleeps for 6-7 hours a night ... unreal!! This was such a win-win for both of us. There have been some difficult times. I just had hip replacement surgery and that threw Clare off her routines wondering why I wasn't visiting with her every day. She needed to call me several times each night because she missed me so much and didn't know why I wasn't there to see her. I'd remind her about my surgery and re-assure her that everything was okay and I'd be visiting her again very soon. Now the holidays have also resulted in some anxieties. But all in all, placing Clare was the best decision both for her and for me, and now that I am back to visiting with her on a daily basis, hopefully those late night calls will soon stop. So, I am VERY thankful that Clare is happy and healthy in her ALF. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
    acvann this is wonderful news I am truly happy for you both!

    Marty*, my heart is so touched that you got to see a film of your Sue in the way she "used to be" . We are so ingrained, I too can hardly remember Dado before...wish I had some films.
    • CommentAuthoreckphd
    • CommentTimeDec 3rd 2013
    I placed my husband 15 months ago and not a day goes by that I wonder what happened to our life. Thanksgiving was very bittersweet here too, close friends and wonderful family, Claude would have had a blast. I missed him terribly (but not the last 4-5 years, we can just skip that part.) How is Sid adapting? You have been a wonderful resource and I have recommended your site to many people. You are allowed to be happy again.
    I feel very blessed! In November my DH and I went to Washington DC on a Senior trip with our church family in two coaches. My DH did wonderfully and we had a great time, I was a little stressed, but in the big scheme of things, not bad. We are back at home and he continues to deteriorate, firmly stage 6 now. But he is compliant to whatever I say, doesnt complain of anything, pretty easy to take care of. Incontinence is becoming a problem but nothing I cant handle. I am so thankful I have the health, and attitude and the financial ability to care for my DH of 43 years. My prayer is I can do it as long as he needs me, but we dont know what lies ahead. I kn ow things will continue to be more difficult. I just try to take a day at a time, and get thru each day as it comes. I will trust in God to continue to lead us.