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    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeNov 25th 2013
    Watch the weather reports if you're travelling.

    I hope everyone has some happy moments this thanksgiving if we can. I remember holidays with the big turkey and ham and mashed and gravy and stuffing and beans and turnips or squash and all the noise at those tables and all the passing of dishes.

    I give thanks that I have the memories of moments like that which I belonged to in happier times and I thank all the people on this board for all the support I received when I needed it. Our respects and fond memories of our departed friends. Some day we'll meet again. Don't know how don't know when...

    Happy thanksgiving everyone!
    Thanks for this post,Wolf. I have those memories, too. And, although I will be alone this Thanksgiving, I know you all will be with me (and Wolf) in spirit. Happy Thanksgiving!
    • CommentAuthorElaine K
    • CommentTimeNov 25th 2013
    I was thinking earlier today that I wanted to start a post so we could list at least one thing we are thankful for in the midst of the difficult lives we lead as AD caregivers. But I see you beat me to it, Wolf, and I'm glad you did!

    Here's my grateful moment -- Earlier today I was feeling very tired (didn't sleep well last night) and decided to take a nap while my DH was at day care. I stretched out on our family room sofa and my daughter's dog decided to join me. He's a 60 lb. mutt, a bit rambunctious, but thinks he's a lap dog. As he cuddled next to me, I felt thankful for feeling his warmth and love. And I was grateful that DH was at day care or else he'd be asking me the whole time why I was sleeping and when I was getting up!

    I hope each one of us can find something to be thankful for during this upcoming holiday season and that it can help to carry us through the days to come. A special thanks to Joan for starting this website and to everyone who posts -- this virtual support group is a life saver!
    Happy Thanksgiving to all-
    Like the others I too have many wonderful memories of Thanksgivings with family. And since finding ALL of you on this site I am thankful for what I feel is an extended family. So I am sending LOVE and HUGS to ALL my Family where ever you are this Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeNov 25th 2013
    I forgot collared greens. I didn't know that vegetables even had collars. And I suppose that somewhere someone thinks grits belong. I've travelled enough to know not to mention what I think of grits. Delicious!! But no chitlins. Uh uh. I'll trade the chitlins for the corn bread. God! Southerners know how to make corn bread.

    I also want to give a shout out to apple pie. One of my favourite American inventions.

    And I also want to give thanks for being me. I would much rather have been Brad Pitt but I'm equally grateful not to be Jean Simmons.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeNov 26th 2013
    Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!! I too have memories of a bountiful table and a loving family. No collard greens, but he usual New England fare - turkey, stuffing, turnips, Harvard beets, mashed potatoes, boiled onions, green beans. And mince pie with REAL mince meat.

    I am grateful that my husband is still living at home with me and although he's declining more each day, he still tells me he loves me. And for my aging boston terrier who 's become my sleeping companion and protector. And of course overwhelming gratitude for this wonderful site and all of you. I could never have made it this far in the journey without the wisdom and support you have given me for five years. Blessings for a wonderful holiday season!
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeNov 26th 2013
    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here too.! I too am very grateful to have this community of extended friends who have been of such great help during our long journey. the only ones who get it and understand how being able to come and receive advice and comfort from someone we have never met is so amazing.
    grateful also for my departed furry babies who were by my side during the most tramatic and stressful times as well. and of course for family and true friends who stand by us no matter the circumstances. hugs to everyone and know we are all part of a bigger family who share commonalities and friendship.
    While I am forever sad about losing my husband and some family members I am also grateful for finding new friends. Some I met here and some in my community. I lost my two red boys but found Gracie. My Thanksgiving table will be shared by family, friends and of course a few strays who had no where else to go.
    A happy Thanksgiving to you Wolf and to everyone else. Will be my first w/o Sue, but thankfully a busy one to keep my mind far from the thoughts of reality. Thursday, how a traditional get to together for TG dinner with the old Cheers group From NYC. A tradition 12 yrs old. Ten couples who met every night after work for drinks. ( now 8 couples a widow & me, a widower) All our families live in NY Metro area and hate the chaos of holiday season travel and the airline jacked up prices.
    Friday I'm invited to post Thanksgiving dinner with a couple I've been close friends with for nearly 30 yrs. Tom is an ER doc working a week or two a month 24 on 24 off.(easing into retirement) He's working Thanksgiving day, so Annette, his wife, is "doing" Thanksgiving on Friday. On Saturday a group of 20 friends in my condo are doing an Anything But Turkey sort of potluck dinner. Most of those attending have lost their mates within the last 18 mos. Not a maudlin group, just a common bond. (so I've been told), my first invite, nothing ventured nothing lost, I know everyone quite well and I'm looking forward to the evening
    As a relatively new posting member from Canada, I want to wish a very Happy Thanksgiving to all of our American friends.
    Marty, this will be a difficult 'first' for you, but it sounds like you are surrounded by many caring friends. I hope all of you
    who are travelling stay safe, as it looks like there is a lot of stormy weather around.

    I am so thankful to have found this site and to be able to share with and learn from all the many others on this journey.
    As we enter the holiday period, I am striving to keep things as normal and festive as possible, as I honestly feel it will be DH's
    last year of any real awareness.

    Take care, everyone.
    • CommentTimeNov 26th 2013
    I'm thankful that my husband is still with me and content. Plus I have two great kids. My son, who teaches in China, had 6 bottles of wine from my favorite winery delivered to me for my birthday which is the day after Thanksgiving. He knows his mom well! :)
    .........Hey Wolf,
    I'm thankful for cranberry sauce. I love that stuff, and I never get any except
    on thanksgiving . Also I'm thankful for everything I have learned about people
    and life in general just because I happened to stumbled upon this website.
    • CommentAuthorAliM
    • CommentTimeNov 26th 2013
    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you wonderful ladies and gents. I have spent several past Thanksgivings with all of you on this site and for that I am grateful. Being a true Southerner I may have that cornbread Wolf mentioned along with my favorite dessert, pecan pie.
    Happy Thanksgiving to all! I am thankful for this site and all of you! I am thankful for my first grandson who is a week and a half old. I am thankful that DH was here to meet him. It is funny he can remember his name and my daughters dogs name. He and the dog are sitting together right now. I hope everyone has safe travel.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2013
    Deb, Happy Birthday a few days early. Enjoy the wine!
    To all, I am most grateful for all of you. All you have touched my life in one way or another, even though we have never met in person. I have laughed and cried with you. Grieved with you and prayed with and for you. We are all survivors in the game of life. Even though we lose our loved ones to the dreadful disease, we still carry on for our families and each other. Happy Thanksgiving and/or Happy Hanukkah to each of you and your families. May we find the joys in life and in our memories of our loved ones. Marty, you have the perfect weekend plans. Praise to God for good friends.
    Wishing you all a great Thanksgiving and Hanukkah. I am so grateful for all of you here on Joan's.
    • CommentAuthoryhouniey
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2013
    I am thankful for all the advice and support from all of you great people.I'm also thankful that Sonny is so happy at the NH.He greets everyone with a big smile and a wave,they are his family now,I've accepted that.So I will have Thanksgiving dinner with him and his family.Have a great Thanksgiving everyone
    • CommentAuthorring
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2013
    It's good to maintain an "attitude of gratitude"....not always easy so I'm glad of this reminder. I'm thankful for my family, my many supportive friends and that DH is doing so much better than he was last summer.
    Thanksgiving #2 yesterday turned out to be a culinary trip down memory lane
    My friend Annette's Mother did all the cooking. I picked up Tom at the airport, right on time, SHOCKING!! and off we went to Annette's mother's for Jupiter Island Thanksgiving2, deja vu all over again. Every veggie recipe dated back to the 50"s ==Campbell's Soup and French's Onion rings topped every dish and a Cool Whip mouse with fresh fruit for desert. Not sophisticated / but it tasted damn good! I felt like I was reliving my youth, still having Thanksgiving with my parents. Blessed to have such good friends able to produce a smiles and laugher not yet two weeks since Sue's Passing. Last time all of us were on Mom's screened in terrace was during Hurricane Jeanne winds of 125mpg and a tornado plucked a Palm tree straight up in the air from the front of the house and deposited (almost replanted it vertically) 20 yards away in the back yard. Lot's of memories of that night (Sue as usual that night just slept right thru Hurricane Jeanne and the 3 others we've been caught in.

    Tonight the "Anything but Turkey Dinner with more friends. Making potato pancakes 3 ways; topped with Applesauce, Sour Cream and with creme fraiche topped with smoked salmon. a traditional Hanukkah dish with a twist
    Cleaning lady was in yesterday ..... Very Grateful to her!! as she was to me for all the shoes and outfits she received ="Anything you want is yours! She was such a great help and loved Sue so.
    She packed Sue's clothing closet for donation. Our kids had gone thru once it was apparent Sue would never be wearing anything other than shorts and a t shirt (we live in FL no snow) It's strange how grieving affects us. I can look at pictures and the memories are wonderful, I look at an outfit or favorite slacks or top and I'm in tears. I'm very grateful not to have to view all her clothing every morning now - next come the drawers... That will be tough, Sue's favorite place to rummage while sun downing, she always found the chaos she cause hysterical. Every now and then she'd even replace all the stewn about items back into to drawers.
    For the moment they remain closed!
    Most of my family was here for Hannuka and Thanksgiving. One daughter and I spent hours looking at very old pictures and laughing. Digital pictures on an Ipad will never take the place of holding a photo in your hand and passing it around.
    I had my family for Thanksgiving. It was last minute, because my sister in law was gonna host it at her house but she had a heart attack, so we chgd to mine. She is doing fine now. My children were very helpful during the whole day with their father and helping me. Also everyone brought dishes togo with turkey, ham and dressing. My DH did great, although he was exhausted the neXt day. I think from trying to hide his alzheimers. He doesnt talk about it, acts as if there is nothing wrong. All in all great day with family!!!
    joined my sister at her retirement home (and my previous one) for Thanksgiving. DW stayed at her facility, where I joined her for the evening meal. 2 of 3 kids, and families, will be here for Christmas. I plan to take DW to their house for Christmas dinner, but don't know how she will do. Lately I've been feeding her most of her meal, although I am told that after I leave she picks up the fork and feeds herself.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeDec 5th 2013
    marsh - sounds like she just wants to spend the time with you, feel your touch and help.

    glad for those that had a good Thanksgiving, join the rest whom it was just another day or worse.