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    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeNov 26th 2013
    My sincerest sympathy on the passing of your DH.
    • CommentAuthordeb42657
    • CommentTimeNov 26th 2013
    I am glad that he was able to be with you when he peacefully passed and please do keep in touch.
    Thank you to all for your messages of comfort and support that means so much to me. What would we do without each other?? I am doing fine. My wonderful 'handy-man', his family, neighbors have been close and checking on me - but have given me some space, which I desperately needed. My Millie is grieving - she was his baby and she watched him, sat with him, loved on him - and will sit on the floor in front of his recliner and whine. She carries one of his socks around, sleeps with it. I'm just giving her some extra time, long walks and lots of cuddling. I still don't sleep past 4 a.m., but am in bed by about 9:30 - so that's a lot more sleep than I've had in the past year or more.

    His memorial service will be December 6th, which had already been planned except for final details. I am so glad I did that far in advance.

    We all travel this road which leads to the same place in the end. I am so happy you all were with me on this journey - it would be awfully hard to travel it alone. Peace to all.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2013
    Vickie you and sweet millie take care of each other now. heartbreaking to know they suffer too but yes they feel the loss. she will treasure that comfort sock.:))
    stay in touch friend.
    • CommentAuthorring
    • CommentTimeNov 27th 2013
    Vickie so sorry for your loss. Wishing you strength in the days ahead. I'm glad you have Millie with you through this.
    Sending you my heartfelt sympathy...I have relied on your posts for inspiration and information. Please stay in touch.

    Take good care of yourself. You deserve time to rest and heal.
    Millie is doing better and I am ok. DH never wanted a long obit - and I complied - although I could have written a book about him. His very simple and short obit can be found at

    Thank you all for your love and support.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeNov 30th 2013
    Vickie, he was a good looking man with a keen twinkle of intelligence in his eyes.

    I left a comment. Also I'm sure you have many friends and may feel the opposite; however, if it helps to talk about all of it or any of it, I offer you my email address should you feel some time like corresponding as virtual acquaintances. Think of it as a neighbour offering to help lift some heavier boxes. There is no need to reply whatever especially at this time you're going through.

    The main point of my saying this is that if you are alone then you're not.
    Thank you, Wolf, when I do feel alone - I'll know I'm not. I shall remember this. And, thank you for signing the guest book. I loved him so.
    • CommentAuthorBev*
    • CommentTimeDec 1st 2013
    Vickie, I'm so sorry. You have been such an inspiration to me. You have such courage, love and caring for your husband as well as all of us here on this marvelous site. Even with terrible tragedies in your life, you've been able to continue to share and care for others and what they've been going through. My deepest sympathy to you.