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    Has anybody heard from Nikki or know if she and Lynn are OK? I haven't been here for a week or so. I looked last time and didn't see her name in any threads.

    I haven't seen her either and have not kept up with FB where she does post. I hope she and Lynn are not in a crisis...
    Nikki has been dealing with some health issues of her own lately. Lynn's the same.
    Glad you are in touch with her, Linda. Give her our best and let her know we hold her in prayer, Lynn too.
    • CommentAuthorabby* 6/12
    • CommentTimeNov 22nd 2013

    I remember Nikki had posted that she was postponing surgery when Lynn had pneumonia. Whether it is that or something else, please add me to the list of those sending her prayers and best wishes.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeNov 22nd 2013
    Nikki posts a lot on Facebook.

    • CommentTimeNov 22nd 2013
    Linda, tell Nikki I'm thinking of her and keeping her and Lynn in my prayers.
    • CommentTimeNov 22nd 2013
    I am sorry if I caused you to worry sweet Jan. I do try to check in once a week at least, but as Linda mentioned I am having some health issues related to that mass in my head. Lots and lots of more testing, it is still stable (meaning no hemorrhage) for which I am very grateful!!

    My lead surgeon is such an awesome man! He is not only a lead surgeon but is the head of the Radiology dept at our specialty hospital, so a very busy man! But never too busy for his patients, love that about him :) I called his nurse to explain my new symptoms, the next thing I know he is on the phone with me telling me he will meet me at the hospital first thing in the morning. (It's about 2 hours away for me) He was there for all the testing, the whole ordeal, met with a team to go over the results and then met with me and examined me.

    Where it is not an emergency it is still my call when I cry uncle and have the surgery. I am not at that point yet. Just struggling to adjust to my new normal. Now before all you lovely mother hens <huge smile> tell me I MUST take care of me so that I am able to take care of Lynn.... trust me my surgeon and neurologist drove that point home!

    With the help of new medications I have stopped vomiting and the world has stopped spinning enough that it is safe for me to drive. When the swelling is too bad, I DO stay home on bed rest. (Even though it rips at my heart to not see Lynn, if even for a day) And the nursing home has been soooooooooooooooooooo wonderful!! When the swelling gets too bad when I am there, I do my bed rest right on Lynn's bed and they wheel him right next to me so we can hold hands.

    On one such occasion last week, we were holding hands and building with his blocks... I must have fallen asleep because I awoke to Lynn leaning waaaay over his wheelchair trying to put his blanket around me. Awwwww! still, he cares so much. ♥

    All things considered Lynn is doing absolutely amazing! I am so grateful for this precious time with him.....

    Thank you for letting me share a bit of us with you. ((Hugs))
    • CommentAuthorlulliebird
    • CommentTimeNov 23rd 2013

    I am terribly sorry to learn that you are having your own health issues. May God provide you peace and wisdom in your decisions, My thoughts and prayers are with you and Lynn.

    Oh Nikki, I am so sorry that you are dealing with this. I hate dizziness. It is such a worry to be out somewhere and find the world to be wobbly. Take care of yourself. You are so brave and such an inspiration. Does the swelling go down with bed rest? Doesn't the world spin when you are lying down?

    We hear nothing but negatives about bursing home, some like your/Lynn's and the onwe Sue was in albeit only for a few days couldn't be more compassionate.! take care of your self. I can't image what your going thru fight Chou illness and asvocating for Lynn
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeNov 25th 2013
    Nikki, my friend, I am so sorry to hear about your state of health. I haven't been around this site much lately and I didn't know that you were so ill. I just feel like mothering you. Please, please don't wait too long to do what needs to be done for yourself.