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    • CommentAuthorJan K
    • CommentTimeNov 17th 2013 edited
    With everything else going on here at home, I don't keep as close an eye on the weather as I used to—especially since it's November and severe storms should be over. Looks like the weather doesn't know it's November. In case some of you in the midwest weren't watching the weather forecast, either, better check your weather. It could get bad today. We are under a tornado watch all day, and they say this is one to pay attention to, because it could be a bad tornado outbreak. Please stay safe.
    • CommentTimeNov 17th 2013
    We've had heavy rain, winds and hail here in the Chicago area. Bears game is suspended right now. Stay safe everyone.
    I am in Michigan, gets very dark, windy with heavy wind periodically. Tornado watches until 8 pm tonight. Ready to head for the basement if necessary.
    Stay safe everyone
    How are all of you in the Midwest after tornado?
      CommentAuthorol don*
    • CommentTimeNov 18th 2013
    heavy wind here all night,havn't been out side to survey damage but with the way the wind was howling I'm sure there is plenty,never lost power(mid Michigan area) but further north Midland area 1000's without
    Glad u r okay ol don. Watching news here in New York City. Oh, such destruction and tragically lost lives.
    • CommentAuthorAnn*
    • CommentTimeNov 19th 2013
    We are cleaning up here in Ohio too.So hard for so many people.
    Brook port ill was hit and not far from where I live in Ky. Lots of destruction, three deaths, and many injuries.