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    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeNov 11th 2013
    Am I crazy to even think about a heated mattress cover? Dh is always cold getting into bed and complains loudly (which I get very tired of hearing night after night). So I was wondering about getting a heated mattress cover of heated blanket. But then I wonder, what happens when he inevitably wets the bed? He hasn't done that yet, but I'm sure he will eventually.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeNov 11th 2013
    I think I would use a heated blanket on top rather than bottom. don't want a short circuit or electrocute if he wets on it! maybe you could use a heating pad just to warm his side and then take it off. I would worry about anything electric around our spouses = they can get into an awful lot of trouble when we least expect it.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeNov 11th 2013 edited
    I agree with divvi....nothing underneath because of the risks, but a heated blanket on top would work. They are probably on sale this week because of VETS day and pre-thanksgiving sales.

    What about a down comforter or alternative down comforter? We use those and are very comfortable. I've also eliminated the top sheet because why do we need it? One more thing to get tangled in.
    Supposed to get cold here tonight. I just put flannel sheets on his bed today. He loves them. I used to also until now. Just weaned myself off the estrogen I have taken for the past 11 years (since my hysterectomy). Welcome to sleepless nights and hot flashes! Can't do the flannel sheets now. Anyway, all that to say, flannel sheets are really nice and warm!
    • CommentAuthorSherizeee
    • CommentTimeNov 11th 2013
    So funny this topic is up right now I have this problem too. But DH can not keep covers on and no longer recognizes that he his cold and can not or does not pull the covers back on... anyone else have this problem? The frozen tundra of Minnesota is way to cold to not have covers on. he is already in flannel pj's and socks .
    Yes, Sherizeee, we have the same problem. My DH gets up 2 or 3 times a night to use the bathroom and never covers himself back up and he is always cold. We have used a heated mattress pad for the past 4 or 5 years. It's washable so wetting may not be a problem but washing it was. I washed it in the machine but it can't be put in the dryer and it's better not to spin it so it was a nightmare to try to squeeze it out (impossible) and it dripped all over the place. After it was clean and finally dried, I decided it wasn't worth it. I didn't put it on last winter. However, with the new problem now of not covering himself up (and he gets all uncovered just turning over in bed), I may consider putting it back on. Ours has a different control on each side and I never turned mine on. I turned his on about 15 minutes before we went to bed and he LOVED having a good warm bed to crawl into. Ha, I would throw it away before I would wash it again, though, and I don't think it can be dry cleaned.
    Just some random thoughts here: 1) double flannel pj tops, 2) flannel-lined shirt instead of pj top, 3) hot water bottle in bed, 4) thermal long johns under the pjs, 5) aren't there some pads that can be heated in the microwave and stay warm?
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeNov 11th 2013
    You could get the electric mattress pad then put a waterproof mattress pad over it. There should not be a problem that way with it getting wet. If you have a front loading washing machine there is no problem washing it, then dry it on low heat - will take longer will be eliminate the problems. That is how I washing mine when I had them years ago. Now I have an electric blanket which is OK, but love the heat coming from underneath.

    We live in a motorhome so I pull the door almost closed separating us from the living room (have to leave room for fat cat to get through). I use a ceramic heater to keep the area from getting too cold. Our heads are in the slide out which gets really cold then I can't sleep so it keeps it warm enough to need the blankets on but the slide is not really cold. When I notice Art uncovered, I just put the covers back on him.
    Maybe I should add my two cents worth on this subject.

    I think elestric blankets have largely been replaced by electric
    mattress pads. They are more efficient because heat travels upwards.
    While the first electric blankets did have 110 volts into the blanket.
    the ones you buy today use 12 or 24 volts, which is harmless.

    You can find out more on Wikipedia.........GeorgieBoy
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2013
    I'm wondering how much heat will actually get through the waterproof mattress cover if I put the heated one underneath. He does warm up quickly after getting under the covers but complains so much while he's doing it. Boy, he has certainly turned into a nag. I have an arthritic hip so I would probably really enjoy heated mattress cover, although I'd have to sleep in the buff because I am the warm one now (used to be just the opposite).

    Good comments, ladies; thanks.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2013
    If you have a heating pad you could always experiment by putting it under the mattress pad and see how much heat gets through.
    I love them and wish we had gotten that instead of the electric blanket - next time it will be the electric mattress pad again. i think we got our first one for our king bed back in the 80s. The second one we bought was not near as good as the first one that last well over 10 years. The second one lasted maybe 4 -so disappointing.
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeNov 14th 2013
    Good idea, I will place my heating pad under the mattress pad and see what kind of heat makes it to the top.
    • CommentAuthormariposa
    • CommentTimeNov 19th 2013
    The heated mattress pad was the best luxury I every bought myself. I do have a mattress pad over it, and it warms fine. I don't know about one for your spouse, but it really helped my sleeping, and relaxes me, something we all really need.
    • CommentAuthorSherizeee
    • CommentTimeNov 20th 2013
    I did not even know there was such a thing! Mine just arrived today can't wait to try it tonight! Thank you for the idea!
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeNov 22nd 2013
    nice thing about them is the feet area is warming and then it cools down to less warm by your shoulders.
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeNov 25th 2013
    So, Sherizee, how is the pad? Did you place it under the waterproof mattress pad? How is it working out.
    • CommentAuthorSherizeee
    • CommentTimeNov 25th 2013
    mothert- Oh thanks for asking! It is wonderful, I m glad Charlotte mentioned that it heats more at the feet I wondered about that. LOL. DH is loving it. We have not needed the water proof mattress pad... yet but certainly headed that direction. :( For myself, being 56 I really don't need any added heat LO but it is nice climbing into bed, but then I turn my side off. I am very glad I got it.