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    Since Lloyd died, I have been pretty inconsolable...actually a piping hot mess!!! BUT I found a place called Portrait Quilts on line that will make me a 50x60 quilt, transferring 24 photos of Lloyd onto fabric, and incorporating it into said quilt for $159 and guaranteeing it. I am really excited about it and just the thought that I will once again be able to curl up with him any time I want gives me immeasurable comfort and peace! Am going to start collecting the photos...just wanted to share with anyone who may "need" such a thing.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2013
    What a neat idea! Let us know how it goes - both the quilt & you!
    Also planning to make memory bears for the 6 youngest grandkids with shirts Lloyd wore in photos with them. Then I am going to include a framed 4x6 photo of them with Papaw in that shirt to keep with it. I am going to cut the collars and arms of some button front shirts, sew them into squares, unbutton them and shove pillow forms in and button them back up. For the oldest grandsons who won't be grossed out, I will put a tiny ziploc with Grandpa's ashes in the pocket and use velcro to secure it. That way they can wash the pillow cover and Grandpa's ashes don't have to go for a spin...or two.
    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2013
    Sounds like you're just full of wonderful ideas :)
    Love it!
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeNov 13th 2013
    Btw, Linda,
    you can buy fabric sheets in packs from most craft stores (JoAnn's) that you put through the copy machine. You can transfer your photos yourself and sew them into anything you want. $159 for a large quilt with all those photos is quite a good deal, however, as the photo sheets are spendy.
    Just found my Christmas present!!! Lloyd's brother's ex-wife's daughter (are you still with me?) does fabulous portraits in graphite and charcoal. I am having my favorite picture of Lloyd done. Can't wait. She has a site where you can see some of her work...jenessaraelucas, I think. I have seen her work. When I contacted her and said after Christmas, she said I should drop a hint to Lloyd and that she would help me persuade him. Poor thing didn't know he was dead. Sorry, but I laughed hysterically. I sent a message back and told he she may have a hard time contacting him in the hereafter and if she dropped a bomb, he probably wouldn't know. Told her I laughed and I rarely get to do that. She sent a message back and her first words were "Oh, shit". Lloyd would have laughed his butt off!
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeNov 14th 2013
    Nice to see some light heartedness creeping back in.