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    I have signed myself and DH up for a bus trip to Washington DC. I tod myself it would be ok several months go when I did it, but I'm really getting worried now. My dh has been having a few accidents with bladder the past couple weeks. Also his stamina is down and irritability up. I have several friends going also that will help me. Any suggestions! Wise ones.
    Take plenty of pull-ups, sweets and what ever might distract him. He might sleep a lot, being on a moving bus. Just relax and enjoy as much as you can. With friends along you will be fine. Let us know how much fun it was when you get back.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeNov 4th 2013 edited
    I agree, a lot of pull ups (and those pads to put in them for extra absorbency), extra changes of pants, socks, undies in a backpack should you find he's had an accident. Also, if he doesn't have a prescription for managing the irritability/agitation, I would ask the dr for one before the trip. Bring a transport chair if you have one (you can rent them from a medical supply store if you don't) and anything that might keep him occupied that is transportable. Think of the days you took the children on a road trip; it's much like that. Good luck and I'm sure you both will have a good time. Glad to know you'll have friends for help and support!

    Oh, make sure you take a picture of him every morning when you leave the hotel so you have a picture with what he's wearing that day should he get lost.
    Ky caregiver

    My daughter lives in DC. My DH and I have made trips to DC by plane and car many times in the last 4 years. At first it was easy, but as he has progressed it is difficult. There is a lot of walking required to see sights and to do about anything. Avoid Georgetown at night. It is very busy and my DH was very disoriented there. Using the Metro be very careful. It is easy to use, but at certain times of the day it is quite busy. I put the hotel phone and address in his pocket and made sure he knew where it was. Of course rather he did or not was a different story. I told him if we were separated to get a taxi and go back to hotel. I never had to find out if he understood. It was very stressful for me. Our daughters wedding was in May in DC and it went fairly well. I had a full family and friends to help me then. I do not think at this point in his progression that I will not take him there again. He is probably mid to late stage 6. I hope that all goes well if you decide to take the trip. It can be very cold there also. I have been in the winter months and spring and summer. It was pleasant when I went in November last year. But my DH says it is cold today. Good luck and have a great time. I do love to go there!
    We will be in a church group. I have several close friends going, so they will b helpful. Also church providing several assistants as it is a senior trip. Two coaches of seniors, some pretty slow, so my main worry is me, spending 24/7 with dh. Then also the incontinence. And irritability. I plan to be
    Ky caregiver, I debated about chiming in here but feel that I must. If you can leave him with someone else while you go on this trip please do. FIrst you need the break and Second I do not think that this could possibly work out well. Being on a bus is very confining and if he does act out,poop his pants, faint, fall , etc it will be hard to deal with as well has hard on the rest of the group. Of course then you also have the steps up the bus to contend with. I thought I could take my DH on one last airplane trip to Vegas to see Cher. It was exhausing, and I ran into hurdles everywhere. Had to have a cab drive us around the U-turn to the other side of the 8 lane street, b/c he could not move fast enough to make the green light and the traffic was so fast. The others in the group do want to be helpful, but if they have not been exposed to our way of life, it might be too much for them. Then you will have to deal with getting him back home. Not trying to be bossy, but if you yourself are having doubts, it is probably best not to take the trip with him. Sorry that you are in this rocking boat with the rest of us.
    Well we leave mon morn. I don't ave anyone yo leave him with. I definitely could use the break. But it was take him or not go, so we are going for it! Thanks for advice from all . He ambulates very well, and enjoys talking too people so I think bus ride will be fine. I'll let you know how things went!
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeNov 9th 2013
    Good luck on your journey!
    Bumping up so that Ky can give us and update.
    We got back Friday about 600, and I've been recuperating since then. Saturday I called my respite person and she came over to give me an 8 hr break. I was physically tired, but emotionally exhausted. I went to lunch and shopping with my dtr. My DH did wonderful on the trip! He really enjoyed seeing all the sites and did great on the bus ride. No problems with incontinence, or no problgem keeping up. He did great. Of course I was very stressed from being with him with no break but I had expected that. Same as it is here at home without a break. I had some help from a friend looking after him while I went to bathroom, and I had other friend that weren't a bit of help. People just don't really understand what is entailed in caring for someone with alzheimers. I'm sure if they did, they would be more helpful. But I'm really glad we went, but I won't go somewhere, like that again without someone designated to help me, and well have a long talk before we leave.
    I'm glad your trip went as well as it did. Mine always wanted to come home as soon as we got anywhere. We went camping and he'd wake me at 3 am and want to leave. We drove to Florida, arrived on a Thursday afternoon. Friday I spent all day on the computer arranging a cruise to go out a week later. Saturday he woke me at 3 am with camper keys in hand and said we were going home. I never went anywhere with him again!!!
    Welcome home and get that needed rest.