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    • CommentAuthoracvann
    • CommentTimeOct 31st 2013
    I have written to the NFL commissioner, and have tried getting an op ed published in major newspapers, calling upon the NFL to promote Alzheimer's awareness in November just as they promote breast cancer awareness in October. No newspaper would touch it, but I finally managed to get a reduced version of my article published as a guest column on the USAgainstAlzheimer's '2020' blog. You can read it on my blog or on the 2020 blog page at If you agree with me, perhaps you'll also want to write to the NFL commissioner. Given the research demonstrating that concussions can lead to Alzheimer's-like symptoms, one would think that NFL support for Alzheimer's awareness would be a natural fit. Just imagine what money could be raised and what positive outcomes could come from NFL support!
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeOct 31st 2013
    It's a great idea and kudos for pushing awareness.

    Unfortunately cancer has hope and alzheimer's has none and so enthusiasm will arrive when normal people face hopelessness well. A quick show of hands on this board will verify that overwhelmingly humans are not ready for such a thing.
    • CommentAuthorAliM
    • CommentTimeOct 31st 2013
    acvann, I read your blogs and find them helpful in with coping with this monster. I appreciate your efforts in doing everything possible to create public awareness. As Wolf said I will be one who shows my hand that people are not ready to deal with alz/dementia. Perhaps years down the road when the number that are diagnosed with it quadruples and the costs brings the country to the brink of bankruptcy will notice be taken. Thank you for faithfully trying to bring awareness to the populace.
    • CommentAuthorabby* 6/12
    • CommentTimeOct 31st 2013 edited