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    .....Sometimes when I'm in a restaurant or whatever, I notice a happy couple who remind me of
    my bygone days, And I feel the need to give the guy this little note. I always slip it to him on
    my way out so that I'm out the door before he can read it...........................................

    .....Yes, I'm an old man, older than dirt. And my
    behavior may seem strange, but I can't help it
    because that's just the way I am.
    .....I think you and your pretty wife are at a
    stage in your life where I once was. And every
    time I see a couple such as you, it brings back
    memories of long ago, and I feel the need to share
    a few words with you. I carry these little notes
    for that purpose.
    .....My Dear Wife left me a year ago, after a ten
    year battle with vascular dementia and during the
    sorrow and sadness of that experience, the one
    thought that was always on my mind was that I did
    not express my love for her as often as I could
    have while she was still able to think and
    understand. As I think back on it now....that is
    my one regret and it will always be with me. I
    wish so much that I could have her back with me
    one last time so I could give her a hug and tell
    her how much I love her. One never knows the value
    of what he has until he looses it.
    .....I just wanted to tell you this so maybe you
    can avoid ending up like me.

    .....I may be a bit crazy for taking up space on Joan's site with storys such as this.
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeOct 30th 2013
    I love it! I just wonder what the men think and/or do after reading your note. You're doing a NICE public service, George IMHO
    We all need to remember this. Men and women.
    Yes, we do need to remember this.
    George, I like your idea, and the note is wonderful and sure to inspire some people. But I hope you are not too hard on yourself or feeling guilty for not expressing your feelings to your lovely wife while she was well....I think that she knew very well how you felt, even though her mind was not at its best...she could sense it in the way you cared for her, attending to her needs. She knew you loved her.
    I agree with bella - she KNEW you loved her - you took good care of her and she knew that too. While I made it a point to tell my husband that I loved him every night, I can't remember the last time he was able to say it to me. Others said his love for me was in his eyes - the way he looked at me.

    I love your note and I think it is a great thing to do - to remind others while they have time.
    Beautiful and you speak for all of us with your beautiful sentiment.
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeOct 30th 2013
    Georgie - when I read your note this morning, it brought tears to my eyes, and as soon as I could, I went out and hugged my hubby.
    Thanks for this!
      CommentAuthorol don*
    • CommentTimeOct 30th 2013
    George you expressed what most of us feel,one more hug,one more kiss,one more I love you I never told her enough either,you not alone friend
    Georgie & Don

    But they new you loved them by your actions and the looks you gave them. Actions speak louder than words, an old saying.