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    • CommentAuthorwatchful7
    • CommentTimeOct 28th 2013
    My wife started having an aversion to light for the past 3 months. When at home, she had me put bedspreads over the windows to block the light. When she was relocated to a memory care facility, she needed to have the same thing done there. Support people that I talked to, never had heard or witnessed this idiosyncracy.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeOct 29th 2013
    Watchful, I've heard that people diagnosed with FTD often are light sensitive and hearing sensitive (no loud noises) but I've never met anyone who has experienced this.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeOct 29th 2013 edited
    issues caused by central nervous system breakdown, electrical impulses, or maybe a condition known as photophobia- an aversion to bright light. it can stem from any of those or many other causes. it makes sense that any part of the brain that is affected could affect the way we react to normal response. maybe using sunglasses would help? mine likes to wear them at times and falls asleep with them on, making me think its a comfort to have the light blocked out at times. we know anything is possible here with so little known about this disease. try closing the drapes or blinds more and see if it helps.If its a blinding sensation it would cause anxiousness in us too
    maybe ask his dr about it or an opthalmologist.
    • CommentAuthoryhouniey
    • CommentTimeOct 29th 2013
    My husband was sensitive to light a year or so ago,lasted several months,also cannot stand loud noises, this still con tinues especially since he went into the NH. He is text book AZ.Followed the stages almost exactly.Stage 7 was hurried along by a bleeding ulcer.
    I am light sensitive myself. Try sunglasses, mine are as dark as they could get them. I would get migraines from the light, very painful. I sometimes have to wear them indoors if it's too bright. I have room darkening shade in bedroom, the light would wake me in the morning.