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    HI everybody, I am participating in the once a year walk to end Alzheimers this Saturday, in Hilo Hawaii. It is the biggest one in the State. I will be walking with our VA social worker, and our VA home visiting nurse, and the rest of our team which is called the
    Red Hot Chili Steppers. I am going to include an email that was sent to me to petition for funds. Please I do not expect anyone to do this, unless you really can or want to.

    I don't know if there is a way to get in to our team, I think you have to sign in and then you can contribute. Our team goal is $2500, I have put in $130.00 so far. Anyway I am looking forward to it! I am going to take a picture of Dado and pin him on the sleeve of my purple shirt.

    here is the stuff....I am going to the site to see if I can find a link to donate to our team. You can of course put your name to go on the wall, mine will be Coconut Patty.

    Dear Family and Friends,

    I recently accepted the challenge to raise funds to support Aloha Chapter. Please help support me in this important project by contributing generously. For information about this volunteer fundraiser and its programs, you can visit .

    It is faster and easier than ever to support this great cause by making your tax-deductible donation online using the link below. If you would prefer, you can send your contribution to the address listed below.

    Whatever you can give will help - it all adds up! I greatly appreciate your support and will keep you posted on my progress.

    Patricia Fontanilla

    To make a donation online, visit my personal page.

    To send a donation, mail to:
    Patricia Fontanilla
    94-6328 Makai St.
    P.O. Box 1124
    Naalehu, HI 96772-1124
    Make all checks payable to: Aloha Chapter

    this is the site. I think, in order to contribute for the Red Hot Chili Steppers, you have to log in and search for us. And please, just a prayer and hope for us is fine!

    I just saw on the honor roll on the right side that our team is leading!