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    • CommentAuthorronnyd
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2013
    DW can almost not use utensils. Does anyone have any finger food suggestions? I can't feed her grilled cheese every day. Thank you
    We are almost to that point to. Chicken nuggets, fries, cheese cubes, bite size veggies, sandwiches cut into small bites, dry cereal, crackers, goldfish crackers, snack cheese or peanut butter and crackers, cookies, rolls, any meat cut into bite size, pork chops, steak, hamburger patty, hot dog, pasta without sauce.

    I did start giving DH his food in a pie pan type serving dish. It is round and has sides and it has helped him so much. It is still hard but he is not pushing the food off the plate.

    Hope this helps.
    • CommentAuthorronnyd
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2013
    Thank you blue, I will copy your ideas and try them. Now if I could get her to not shuffle her feet when she walks. DW is 63 years old and the disease is progressing rapidly. I am going to try and take her to her son's (my stepson's) wedding, in a different state, in November. I know this will be a very stressful time. I hope they have some type of finger foods but really the food is the least of my stress on this trip.
    Pack your own food for the wedding. Remember they are more like toddlers and pack what they will need. Hope the trip to the wedding goes well. I know it will be stressful. My DH is 62.
    • CommentAuthorAmber
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2013
    Hi, if you go to a medical supply store they have plate guards there along with other interesting useful items that came help your spouse eat their meals.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2013
    All good ideas. Why not try looking for personal care items on, I find that they are usually significantly less expensive than a medical supply store.
    Baby shrimp is a good thing to order for them at restaurants. Regular shrimp is also a good finger food but I have to take the tails off or he eats them.
    In line with Dazed suggestion: Scallops or any thick piece of fish can be cut into are great finger food size. Easy to prep just s&p some tarragon or spice of choice dusted with flour and sautéed in butter, as squeeze of lemon to finish off.
    bite size wedges of iceberg lettuce - sliced tomato's - zucchini raw or cooked, broccoli etc. Chicken tenders, frozen fish squares.
    for the wedding, any caterer will have a microwave on site, bring a refrig bag of what ever she likes and ask them to "nuke" it for you.
    • CommentAuthorronnyd
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2013
    Thanks to all for the suggestions.
    Marty- I wish I could get her to eat vegies, any vegies! She would eat hamburger every day, if I let her.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2013
    So ronny, let her eat burger every day and give her a good multi vitamin. Sneak some good foods (cheese, applesauce, etc) when she's receptive.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2013
    bite size carrots, the tiny ones, cut up celery, ham or turkey cubes, apples chunks, cheese its, gold fish crackers, half sliced grapes/no seeds/ frozen chicken nuggets or shrimp, small pizzas in oven, variety of thick soups heated with crackers, there are oodles of finger foods as well.
    Ronny, sounds like she is getting to the point where you may need to start feeding her most of the time if you aren't already. With the finger foods, be careful. Sometimes they cram it in and aren't chewing and swallowing like they should. I would have to remind Lloyd to chew and swallow. And they tend to store food in their cheeks as well.
    Lunchables, hot dogs, I agree about the hamburger, if she will eat it, let her have it.
    Good luck on your trip, try to enjoy it.
    Love, Bonnie
    • CommentAuthorronnyd
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2013
    Thanks all!!
    • CommentTimeOct 8th 2013
    All of the above are great ideas. When my guy couldn't manipulate utensils, I loaded a flour tortilla with whatever he liked, put pieces of sliced cheese on the edges, and microwaved it. Then I rolled it up so the cheese acted like a sealant, and made a neat little wrap. Didn't put too much into it, but it didn't spill and he could enjoy the foods he liked. Best of luck,... and hugs too!
    You can take straws, the small size that people use to stir coffee and put them in the center of the cut up food for a "handle". Roll up slices of turkey or ham, and they can use the rollup as a handle and nibble off of it. The new squeezable fruits are great also. You just take the cap off and they can hold the container in their hand and squeeze the pureed fruit into their mouth. this great for taking meds also. The hospital nutritionist told me to hold up on the carbs b/c he is not doing enough physical activity to need the carbs. Thus no bread with "sandwich food"/ The rolled up cold cuts work real good for us. also grapes. orange wedges, bananna chunks are good. Just keep working with her and experimenting The nutritionist did tell me that the packaged lunchables are a waste of money. Not enough nutrition in them to make a difference. Just keep trying and experimenting. You can always supplement with ensure.