Friday I was notified that my husband has been accepted into an "Adult Day Care" twice a week free of charge! I had toured this facility several weeks ago and was most impressed with their activities and programs. After it met my approval, I toured a second time with husband...he liked the "senior activity center". The problem however was the cost--- Two days a week is $600.00 a month out of pocket with no insurance...private pay. Pinch I dreaming???!!!! FREE OF CHARGE ---
LFL ----I am crossing my fingers, toes, and eyeballs that he will truly enjoy his time there. It's amazing all the wonderful activities they have. Now I can have my "lullie" time and he can have his social hour.
Ring, Yes, I wanted to share a positive! I am feeling very blessed
Nikki! Yes, I know that this is a mini transitional change, but I have tried to present it in positive way. If I called it "adult day care", he would never agree it. He believes that he's going to an "adult activity center". I did mention that there some people there who have dementia and some other memory difficulties and he seems to have accepted my little "fiblet". Hope all is well with you and Lyn! ((hugs))
bjblghtnin, practice relaxing....I'll practice when I learn what "relaxing" means. lol! Thanks Bonnie
That is great! Make the most of your deserve it! By the did you get this free? I, too, cannot afford it. Is there a way that you found that could maybe help some of us as well? Enjoy!
I am so happy for you!!! 2 days/week - phew I can only imagine how wonderful that would be. I have never toured a ADCC, what kind of activities do they have? I often think that my dh needs more stimulation than he gets from me at home - I mean, all day long tv would simply put me to sleep. He seems to be very happy with this situation and I am grateful that he's content. But..... I just wonder if it could be better for him with more stimulation??