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    • CommentAuthorwatchful7
    • CommentTimeOct 5th 2013
    My wife has been a care facility for a week. Apparently, after yesterdays breakfast, she has decided not to eat solid foods, but she does drink fluids. They called her doctor who then referred them onto me. I'm not a specialist in eating disorders or other symptoms regarding eating. Maybe it's due to the Alzheimers-about 2 weeks ago, my wife stopped eating her regular breakfast for 2 days, but then her appetite picked up afterwards. Once before, the same doctor thought she was constipated, and had me give her Dulcinex. The doctor was wrong, my wife had diarrhea for 3 days after that. Everyone at the care facility seems to be gone this weekend; no cell phones are being answered. One of the factors in deciding to bring my wife to a cared facility is that they would handle problems like this !!!!
    If their kitchen doesn't have Ensure or something like it to offer her, then you might need to pick some up for the weekend until this gets sorted out next week. As long as she is getting fluids and some calories, a few days of liquid diet shouldn't hurt anything. But you are right, the care facility should be figuring this out or including you as part of the team, not dumping it all back on you. It is worrisome that no one is in charge on the weekend. Do let us know what happens.
    Another thing she might enjoy would be some puddings in her favorite flavors. Ensure is very good as was said earlier or Glucerna is she has to watch glucose. Maybe she would enjoy some Ice cream or sherbert or popcicles or icecream cones when she is in her eating boycott. Good luck with this...
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2013
    Puddings, applesauce, blended yogurt, milk shakes, in addition to ensure until the regular staff gets back on Monday. It will keep calories in her as well as fluids.

    I do think you need to request a meeting with the Director of Nursing as well as the facility Director to discuss their unavailability during the weekends and make sure they give you a contact who will answer the phone and have the power to make things happen. There should always be some sort of nurse on duty who should either have the authority to take action or be able to ake emergency calls to the management to make sure a situation is taken care of.

    I would also speak with her doctor and let him know that you expect him or her to take a more proactive role in your wife's care. He should at least have suggested the foods we here did.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2013
    also there are some nasty bugs going around. a sore throat especially will cause them not to want to eat or swallow. mine had it a few weeks ago and went thru a lot of issues trying to keep him hydrated and calorie intake. those foods mentioned by LFL are all good. you may need to talk to the dietician as well and ask for a mechanical diet or soft foods that she can handle now. soft meaning not a lot of chewing needed. best of luck.
    Yes, I agree with could be a sore throat or maybe dental problems! Perhaps she needs an oral exam ? Just a thought
    Hope you Get the help you need.
    Love Bonnie