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    I feel as though I've never been so tired. And really, have done nothing. Except of course my alzheimer spouse duties. Also, Ive had my grandson with Downs Syndrome last night and today. He is a joy, but like my DH a handfull to take care of. He is also insulin dependent and every bite he eats must be monitored. He also has a wheelchair and walker go with everywhere he goes because of vascular necrosis of the hip. Not a good thing I can tell you. I feel about like a heel because my daughter wanted me to watch ADAM a couple days next week so she and her hubby could go somewhere for their anniversary. I first said I would, then I had to cancel. i just feel like Im ready to blow. I dont feel capable of keeping anybody. Of course I have no choice about DH, Im all he has. Im trying to be positive today, but its not working. Just feel tired, dejected, sad.
    Ky caregiver, you need a hug and a nap. Sending you a (((hug))) now try to get some rest if possible. Hope tomorrow is better for you.
    Must be something in the air in KY! I'm with you - about ready to blow. I'm all DH has, too, and I also feel so tired and weary and sad. He has paced for several afternoons and some nights. No sleep for the weary, nor even a shower. No help here either.

    So...we will just lift each other up, give each other lots of hugs (would love a massage, though) and I guess we'll just keep keeping on...
    hugs and aloha and good smelly flowers for all of you
    Hugs and hopefully a good long rest.
    Love Bonnie
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2013
    Lots of hugs to you Ky caregiver, and I hope you are able to get a good nights sleep
    KY, hope you are feeling stronger and rested up. You said, "I have done nothing except my Alzheimer's spousal caretaker duties"

    Sweet lady, that alone is enough stress and strain both physically and emotionally to drain even Hercules!

    Take care of yourself!
    No one who has not taken care of a dementia patient has a clue about what it takes day by day, hour by hour and how tired we get. My friend whose husband died 2 years ago of this disease, said it took her 6 months before she felt rested. I agree with that. While I fall asleep at the same time at night, I find I sleep 9 or 10 hours..and I have so much to do...but I am so tired. I am less tired now than the week following the between fatigue and lack of interest to really push forward, it is hard hard hard.
    Your kids didn't mean to be thoughtless and I hope they were understanding. They just don't know how hard it is to watch someone we love slip away inch by inch day by day for so many months and in fact years.
    • CommentAuthorAmber
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2013
    Ky - You do what you can do and then that's it. If looking after hubby is all you have to give then that's it. Your daughter will have to understand....has she ever taken hubby to give you a break? If not then maybe she needs to so she can understand what you are going through. I'm sorry you're going through this.
    Thanks for the encouragement ladies. I was just having a very bad day. Yes my daughter helps me also, not as much, but she has a full time job. She helps when she can!!! I got out today, and recharged!!