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    • CommentAuthorJan K
    • CommentTimeOct 4th 2013
    I am a huge fan of Mary Engelbreit calendars, and have a couple every year. My favorite is the page-a-day one, with a picture and a quote or saying for each day. Today's quote was, "What I'm looking for is a blessing that's not in disguise". My first reaction to that was—yes, me too! I've sort of had it with the "blessing in disguise" idea. But after I thought for a while, I did think of a couple of true blessings.

    First, DH is in respite, and it seems to be going well. He doesn't mind being there, and they are taking very good care of him. And right now my brain doesn't feel like a hamster running on a wheel in a cage, so respite is going well for me, too.

    Next, when I went out today to run errands, there was a package from my sister sitting by the door. She had mailed me sort of a spa visit in a box. It was totally unexpected. With DH in respite, I may actually get to use it!

    What was your blessing today? (whether or not it was in disguise!) I hope you had at least one.
    • CommentAuthorFiona68
    • CommentTimeOct 4th 2013
    My sister came to visit me. Though I was not really in the mood for company, she has greatly brightened my day. Instead of thinking/fretting about my husband in LTC, I was able to talk, laugh, and go for a walk with her. She is my blessing today.
    A friend called. Said a couple other ladies were going to visit a friend and her sister in the rehab nh. She had hip replacement, will be there a month because of complications. Anyway one brought cupcakes as it was Betty's birthday. She is a delightful lady, had lots of medical problems in the past year and a half. Still smiles, made my day. She is a true blessing. She wanted to know how we were doing.
    Love Bonnie
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeOct 5th 2013 edited
    My blessing for today (so far, its still early here) is that I woke up and could greet the morn in relatively good health.
    • CommentTimeOct 5th 2013
    Our handyman saw me working in my garden and came and not only finished a repair but also blew leaves off my driveway
    • CommentAuthorBama*2/12
    • CommentTimeOct 5th 2013
    My Blessing today is that Karen is no longer a hurricane but a tropical depression. Tropical depressions can be scary but not nearly as bad as a hurricane. I was sitting right in the middle of that forecast cone so I am thankful.
    blessing- I can still put Dado in the car and am now going to pick him up for a little beach and picnic time. He has been very tearful lately and I am give him more happiness. Blessings that he is still in my life.
    • CommentAuthorring
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2013
    A small group of girlfriends that I have known over 45 years. I can talk to them about anything! They are an unlimited source of love, acceptance, encouragement and laughter.
    I just got home from the Pocono's in NE Pennsylvania where I spent 5 days with old friends from 40 years ago. Everyone has their own problems but we all had a good time. What a blessing to get together with friends I haven't seen in years.
    Of course its also blessing that Ron could go for respite so that I could go. Haven't seen him since 10/3 when I dropped him off.
    I have a group of eleven women at church that I meet with each week. We have many problems among us and we pray and encourage each other. We also work on quilts, throws, cancer hats, pillowtop dresses, bead bags for cancer patients, etc. in the few hours we meet. And we disperse them to whomever needs them. burn out victims, hospitals, nsg. homes, pro life centers, cancer treatment centers, etc. You get the picture.In that few hrs I am there I dont have to think about Alzheimers. Also very thankful i can afford to pay for respite and have a couple reliable woman to depend on for a few hrs a week. It is definitely a lifter upper.