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    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2013
    The first hit song to feature ALZ as a theme, is an actual (spouse) experience.

    While the writer was writing from a 'grandchild' viewpoint, he captured a very 'spouse' moment that many here have had and written about. He knew the moment was special, he just did not know HOW special it was.
    • CommentAuthorOcallie36
    • CommentTimeSep 30th 2013
    My God, I just listened to this song and am sitting here weeping. I thought I was toughened up but I guess I'm not. Thank you for posting this.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeSep 30th 2013
    Well, I just had my sobfest for the day. It describes exactly the way Sid and I feel when we are apart.

    When my stepmother had her stroke, she was shuffled back and forth between the hospital and nursing homes. My stepbrother would bring my father, in his wheelchair, to see her every day. The nurses said that when my father was there holding her hand, her heart rate slowed, and she was far less agitated.

    Don't put that Kleenex away yet, this song has been around for years. Search the title and you'll find a lot of different versions including the written lyrics, including one that he does with the Reagans, I think it came out about then, can't remember.

    Tim Johnson composed "She Misses Him" inspired by his
    Grandmother-in-Law who cared for her Husband
    This is another Tim Johnson version. Can't find the Reagan one right now.