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    So I was driving on the interstate today with my mom and DH. We were going to visit my daughter. I suddenly got dizzy or vertigo. My mom is capable of driving she is a young 70. I am 51. My DH of course no longer drives. I tried to continue driving but had to pull over and let my mom drive. My sister told me it was a symptom of menopause. I need to know has this happened to any of you here. It was funny because my DH later says he is feeling dizzy. If it is menopause then he is in trouble. Just had to make a little fun there. I sure hope it is a one time deal. I don't know what I would have done if it was just he and I in the car. This is a whole new problem. I always worry what if something happens to me. He cannot drive me anywhere and could not dial 911 if he wanted. Anyone else thought of these things?
    jackiem29, be sure that you didn't have carbon monoxide leaking in your car. that can cause symptoms. if it has happened in other places along with in the car then is probably ok. I suffer from vertigo and is from inner ear problems which might have been caused by taking high doses of aspirin and motrin for arthritis. hope it was a one time thing for you. bonine (meclazine) is a good drug for this and is an otc. i originally had prescription for it but then discovered the otc. i only take it when needed which isn't very often now. i have thought about what would i do if i was driving hb somewhere and couldn't continue, didn't come up with anything except to call family. dorie
    My dh has vertigo, used to have quite a problem. Dr. Said for him to take one meclazine a day, hasn't had a problem with it for 2 or 3 years. He at first had to take up to 4. This was before dx, and he still takes one a day. I haven't heard of it as being part of menopause, but I don't really know.
    • CommentAuthorjoyce*
    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2013 edited
    Dizziness is a side effect to many medicines. If you are on any med it could be from that. It doesn't have to be a new medicine, I was on Norvasc for a year and a half before I started having serious vertigo every day. I changed medicine and I don't have it anymore. Swelling in the legs and tingling in arms and legs was also a side effect but the tingling was attributed to my diabetes. But that also went away with change in med. I hope you are better. You might think about scheduling a stress test. Age doesn't seem to mean anything anymore when it comes to heart disease.
    • CommentAuthormary22033
    • CommentTimeSep 29th 2013
    How very fortunate you were able to get pulled over this time. But it sounds like you should get in to the doctor right away.

    Twenty different people here could give you twenty different stories about their own dizziness and what caused it. You need to find out what is causing YOUR dizziness. Hopefully it is something minor and easily fixed. If it is menopause, diet and exercise can control it:

    Take care.
    Do get checked out. I have had problems with dizziness also. And the causes have been several. High blood pressure, allergies, inner ear/miners, and anxiety. And I now know what each one feels like and know how to care for myself. You need to find out what is causing yours. (((Hugs))) Hopefully you won't be as messed up as me, LOL
    I agree with Mary22033 and blue - get in to see your doctor ASAP
    I am going to make a doctors appointment. I am currently not on any medication. I have had a stress test a year ago. Everything was fine. I do have heat palpitations. I see a cardiologist for it. But the have done the stress test and echo. Everything was fine. I need to see if inner ear. I have had sinus infections. But never have I had vertigo from them. I am going to make an appointment tomorrow. I've never really had a primary care physician. It's funny I make sure DH has all medical care but not myself. I know a lot of us here do that. So f let you know after. Still makes me think what I can put into place, if I am alone at home or out with my DH, for emergency ashen I am the one who needs help.
    Jackiem29, check out Great Call. A little device, fits into your pocket, you take it ANYWHERE you go. Push the panic button if you need any help. They will answer, they know your location, if you don't answer them, they will call 911 and give your location; then notify whomever you have given them to contact in an emergency. Works at home and away from from. It's about $19 a month; not sure what it costs now, I think I paid around $60. It's either or It's wonderful because you take it with you!
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeSep 30th 2013
    The 5star that is advertised by John Walsh from America's Most Wanted. They carry it at Walmart and they were advertising the 1st month's free.
    To answer your question, yes dizzness is a symptom of menopause and perimenopause, however, since he was dizzy also I would suspect carbon monozide, why did the mom not experience the same symptoms if she was in the same car? At least it all worked out.
    I will look into the Great Call. No I probably should have explained more, about his dizziness. He really had nothing wrong. If I have a headache or say anything about not feeling well he will say later that he has it. If you said your back hurt to him, his would later. I know we do not have a carbon monoxide problem. We have detectors in the house and my car is only 4 years old and gets services regularly. I think my problem is inner ear, stress, and menopause.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeSep 30th 2013
    Also, if you neck is out that can cause dizziness and/or double vision. Happens to me more often than I care to say, especially the double vision. Probably the other cause is the menopause. thought I was all over that stuff until this last doctor lowered my thyroid. Need to see about that with another doctor.
    Meniere's Disease can also cause vertigo..I would certainly get a doctor's appt to find out what is going on..could be nothing serious but if it is something inner ear that is likely to be an on going problem, make sure to wear a medic alert bracelet.
    Charlotte, You may be right about neck. Mine was just killing me . and I was also having dizziness and headaches, so went to chiropractor. Now fine. Just sayin, worked for me. Hope it continues!