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    I thought I should start a new thread I have hogged the September thread going on about my Dad. Your kind wishes and support are very much appreciated. I am ok as I said it was not unexpected. Dad was a force to be reckoned with, and we joke about what is going to happen when he gets there, to heaven, first to see that my interior decorater sister Dianna has re done the Pearly Gates, and is driving St. Peter around the bend with her contemporary style.

    His commercial fishing buddies have likely found salmon grounds that are ever replenished, and everyone always gets a full net.

    I am scheduled to leave for Vancouver, (yet again!!), Friday the 20th, just for one week. I just cannot leave Dado for two weeks like before, he cried everyday. My Mom is glad and we have made some little plans to go walking in the forest, and to let a balloon for Dad go with all kinds of messages on it.

    From the other thread, Abby*, lulliebird, ring, mary75*, ElaineH, BQD, bjblyghtnin, Shirley, Janet, Vickie, blue, marche, cassie*, bama*, and bluedaze* thanks again and again.

    What a family we are here.
    Coco-just read of your Dad's passing. So sorry -hope you will be able to comfort your Mom when you get to see her. I am sending LOVE and HUGS across the way to you.Please know you are in my heart and prayers. ALso give my love to Dado-I know he does not know me but I feel he is my friend as you are!!!!!!
    Hugs and safe travels, Coco...
    Sept has turned out to be quite a sad month for so many.
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeSep 14th 2013
    Have a safe trip, Coco. Give your Mom a hug from all of us
    So sorry Coco for the sad news of your Dad's passing.
    Have a safe trip, you and your Mum enjoy some quiet time together....comfort each other.
    Coco--I haven't read the other thread, but can relate to your loss. My Dad died 2 years ago, well after Steve's dx. Hard to deal with another huge loss while also letting go of the love of your life. My condolences.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeSep 15th 2013
    sorry for your loss coco. our moms/dads are our fortresses while we journey this path.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeSep 15th 2013
    coco, so sorry to learn of your Dad's passing. Losing a parent is always life changing in so many ways big and small. Safe travels...I know your mom will be so comforted by your presence.
    • CommentAuthorAmber
    • CommentTimeSep 15th 2013
    Your pain is in my heart.
    • CommentAuthorabby* 6/12
    • CommentTimeSep 15th 2013
    Coco, I am sorry.

    You mentioned your father and salmon fishing. So, I just have to ask, in your profile photo, are you skinning salmon? You look pretty confident with those knives!

    I have also wanted to ask you something else. I have never been to Hawaii and am seeing so many House Hunter type shows about it. Would you be at all comfortable saying what island is your home? I would love to have that frame of reference but understand if you would rather keep it private.

    Travel safe!
    • CommentAuthorlulliebird
    • CommentTimeSep 15th 2013

    Have a safe trip!
    • CommentTimeSep 15th 2013
    I am so very sorry Coco ((Hugs)) I just read in the other thread how you wanted to visit your Mom after and the tenderness you expressed brought me to tears. You are such a gift, to your family, to all of us, to me ♥

    I wonder if you have the ability to make a short video that they could play for Dado when you are gone? I am not sure if it would bring him any comfort or confuse him? Just an idea.... I can imagine how distressed you are about leaving him. I hope you have safe travels dear friend and that you and your Mom have some healing time together. Love and hugs!

    you are all so so good. All of you thank you so much.

    Abby* of course you can know which island I am on, I mean, after all I was sharing Mr. Turtle with you and Nikki. And the photo is NOT a salmon, the picture was taken about a 15 minute drive from here. It is a barracuda that a friend caught, and I am cutting bait from it as they are not great to eat. Strike one up for the wahines, he did not know how to filet so it was my job, let me at it.

    I am on the "Big Island", the island of Hawaii. Real estate is the lowest here of all the islands, for a few reasons. One, it is very large, all the other islands can fit on this one. Two, the economy is the worst here, and the population the lowest. Three, some of the volcanic "vog" lies over the town of Kona and other areas, it rolls in in the afternoon and looks like high clouds. (However , "Madame Pele" has been quiet this past couple of weeks and the air has been much clearer.)

    You could explore real estate prices by googling Kona real estate, or...Hilo real estate, Kona being the sunny touristy area, and Hilo being the rainforest area on the other side of the island. I live in the Ka'u district, the southernmost area, and the prices are real low here. We bought our little place in 2005,( after moving from Maui) and it is valued at almost half the price as then...ahhh..such is life. This is a very country area, tiny town, lots of cows and cowboys, (paniolos), and the best fishing in the state.

    Prices on Maui were more than twice as much, that is one of the reasons we moved here.

    Anyone that comes here I sure hope they will look me up...

    Feeling more sad about my family dynamics up there in Vancouver, than my Dad's passing. I almost canceled the trip but decided that was selfish. So sad when things like that happen when someone passes.

    I will make a little video and email to the caregivers Nikki! However, they said that when I was gone for that two weeks last month, he cried at the mention of my name. Thank God I am only going for a week this time. Yes it is so so hard to leave him. I told him about Dad yesterday, it took him about 10 minutes and then two big tears rolled down his cheeks. Somehow, I think that my youth is really gone now, that death and sickness are going to constantly play a part, and I have to live with it as best as I can. We all do, don't we?
    • CommentAuthorring
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2013
    Coco I hope it goes well in Vancouver. What sad times. We will all be with you in spirit.
    • CommentAuthorElaineH
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2013
    Coco, praying for a good trip for you & comfort for you, your Mom & the rest of your family.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2013

    My deepest condolences to you and your family. Have a safe trip to Vancouver.

    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2013
    I've been absent for a short while - my condolences to you,Coco.
    So sorry Coco, your mom knows your heart strings are beig pulled. She does need you, you are doing the right thing.
    Safe trip, lots of love and prayers are going with you
    Leaving this Friday, for the week.I am still waiting to feel real grief about my Dad, but I don't. It was a long time coming, his passing.

    I am so glad, it is just a week. Just excruciating leaving Dado. But my younger sister who has taken care of everything, says that I timed it perfect.

    I will not post again until I get back. No computer at my Mom's. Your support and love are deeply felt.
    • CommentAuthorabby* 6/12
    • CommentTimeSep 18th 2013 edited
    Dear Coco,

    Whenever you get the chance to read this, I just want to thank you for all the information on Hawaii!

    With all those "Island Life", "Destination Hawaii" and etc. shows I would watch them and time and time again my thought was the same....."I wonder where Coco lives?"

    You did give me an idea though. One of my initial thoughts was "oh, I can never go to Hawaii" and then I smacked myself and said why not? So, I now have a long term goal of going on a vacation there. It is good to have something to look forward to besides moving. So, maybe after a little *work*, which is also a goal I will actually get to that turtle pond.

    Thank you for the inspiration.

    I remember you referred to family drama and I am sorry you are facing that in addition to missing Dado and worrying about him. Is he still pretty much aware of time- so that the caregivers can't stretch how long it has been since you have been gone and when you will be back? I'm sorry for the loss of your father.

    A barracuda! I remember a song from my younger days which I think was titled Barracuda, and for some reason had the belief they were these huge shark like fish.

    As Nikki said above, you certainly are a gift. My support is always with you.
    • CommentTimeSep 18th 2013 edited
 dear friend so sorry to read about your father. I have not even had the time to check the site for more then a week because of extreme illness of my oldest daughter. The drs. first thought she had the flu and found out she really had viral meningitis...which caused her to have cardiac arrest twice and I nearly lost her. She now has a defibrillator and a pace maker placed in her chest.
    Please understand the hurt I feel for you and your family. Life seems so unfair for many this past year.